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Candle Ritual for bringing your relationship to new heights

We reach the heart of Libra season on October 6 with the New Moon in the sign of the scales. Ordinarily, this would be an excellent time to draw a new relationship to you, but Mercury is currently 'retched out,' and Venus (the ruler of Libra) is to her detriment in Scorpio.

So instead, use this New Moon to create new paradigms within your current relationships, which are not just limited to romantic ones.

If you are currently single, you can make a list of all the attributes you would like out of a mate and do some cleansing magic to signify your fresh start. If you are in a relationship, you can use the New Moon to reset (such a lovely Mercury Rx word) the energies and create a more fulfilling dynamic that will help improve the relationship's overall health. In other relationships, you can modify how you work with the New Moon based on the needs of that relationship. The key is formulating new and productive ways to make them healthier.

Candle Ritual for bringing your relationship to new heights.

This ritual can apply to any type of relationship that is real. Sorry, but putting your efforts toward getting someone to notice you or fall in love with you or come back to you is not recommended. This candle ritual is for releasing the energy of the mistakes made in the past that are burdening the relationship now.

You will need these three candles and candle holders. New Moon Magic (Astro Magic), Love's Enchantment (Blessed Herbal), Adam and Eve (Motor City Hoodoo), The name and picture of the person you are in a relationship with where healing, understanding, forgiveness, and compassion is needed, pen and paper. Place the Love’s Enchantment and Adam and Eve candles on either side of the New Moon candle. Light the New Moon candle. While it burns, write out what the problem is as you understand it, leave space at the top of the page blank. Be honest. Resist making this all their fault. Dig deep and discover what you contributed to the current rift you are having. When you have finished writing, put a giant X over all the words, and at the top of the page, write, “A new beginning is needed for us. We need to remember all the good things about the relationship and the reasons we were attracted to each other in the first place. We need to remember the value in each other, forgive the past transgressions and work diligently toward being good to each other again.” Add more of your own words to clearly define the goal for this ritual.

Fold up the paper and put it under or next to the New Moon candle. Let the candle burn for an hour. During that time, close your eyes and visualize the words you put an X over dissolving. Imagine the ink breaking down and floating off the paper like specs of dirt and then being sucked down into the earth, from where they will never return. When all the words are gone, open your eyes and know that the slate is clean and you both have more freedom to work on the relationship.

Next, light the Love’s Enchantment candle and say the blessing on the label. Say it with meaning. You are re-igniting the love and care between you. Let the candle burn for a few minutes, then light the Adam and Eve candle. Say the words from the label or some of your own. With this candle, you are recommitting yourself to the other person. Be sincere and if any thoughts or feelings come up, let them float away like the words on the paper. Don’t let them interrupt the flow of the energy.

An alternate version of this candle ritual is that you do it with your partner or the other person you are working to heal the relationship with. Do not read each other's lists. Those words are not to be shared. Do say prayers and positive affirmations together.

We wish you Godspeed in letting go of the hurt and pain so your relationship can heal and reach higher grounds. Extinguish the candles when you are done with your ritual, but you can light them every day until they are gone. Never leave a burning candle unattended.

Lighten up your life with help from products from Coventry Creations and advice from Storm Cestavani, Astrological Life Coach, Discover your potential in your Akashic records with Patty Shaw,

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