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Candle Ritual for opening your eyes to your own bad habits

The Full Moon in Aries occurs on October 20. The good news is that Mercury is now direct! The bad news is that Mars (the ruler of Aries) is in detriment to Libra. So, to work with this energy, we must tweak how we would work with the planetary ruler.

The Full Moon in Aries is a two-week cycle of letting go of personal attributes that we may not like about ourselves or are no longer effective. Are there any individual behaviors that you would like to let go of? Oh, and news flash – we all have them! Since Mars is in Libra, you can also look at how you behave in relationships and let go of any unhealthy personal patterns that may limit the relationship's growth. This work is not easy, but the fruits of your internal work will pay off in the end.

Candle Ritual for opening your eyes to your own bad habits

For this ritual, you will need three candles and candle holders. Full Moon (Astro Magic), Inner Balance (Blessed Herbal), and Goddess (Affirmation).

We begin this ritual with some reflective time. Light the Full Moon candle and go into meditation with the intention of reflecting on the way you have behaved in the past. Look at romantic relationships, family relationships, friendships, and work relationships. Be objective and honest, as if you were watching someone else. Note all the missteps from passive-aggressive behavior to outright tantrums. Leave the justifications aside. They are not important right now. You are looking for repeating patterns. For example, how often did you get jealous, cheat someone, manipulate the situation to look good, or get your way? Were you abused by someone and now abuse others? Be honest about your motivations. Why did you do what you did? It’s difficult to see yourself hurt others or be the bad guy, but it’s very important you stick with it until you understand your role in failed relationships. Lean on the power of the moon. She is an expert in reflective work because she projects the light of the sun instead of her own. She understands masks and why we wear them. She is here to help you become aware of your own mask.

When you feel complete with this part, light the Goddess candle. Call upon a goddess you feel close to and ask her for help to release the toxic energy you have built up over the years while you were learning about relationships. Kuan Yin is the goddess of Compassion and will help you heal your heart. Goddess Bridgit is a healer and warrior. She will help you be brave and let go of attachments and obsessions. There are many more goddesses to work with. Do a little research before you do this part of the ritual if you need to.

The third part of the candle ritual is about bringing yourself back into balance with yourself and the universe. After you light the Inner Balance Blessed Herbal candle, call upon your own higher self to bring you back into balance, body, mind, and spirit, and then bring you back into balance with the universe and your part in it. Take your time with this. Be still and let the work be done for you. When difficult thoughts and feelings arise, let them go with love. They will pass if you let them. When you feel complete, extinguish your candles and get ready for being a better version of yourself.

Your homework for after your candle ritual is to make a pact with yourself to be different, to try harder to be more understanding and compassionate. When triggering situations arise, give yourself time to observe the whole picture and then make a better choice. A choice that says, “I am in control of my emotions and no one else’s behavior and choices will cause me to wreck my life and fall out of harmony with myself and the universe again.”

If you make a mistake, correct it, and move on. Forgive and ask for forgiveness every time it’s needed. Remember, your motivations define your character. Be mindful of why you do what you do. If you are motivated by anger, jealousy, resentment, you need to stop and get your head on straight before you act. Extinguish the candles when you are done with your ritual, but you can light them every day until they are gone. Never leave a burning candle unattended.

Lighten up your life with help from products from Coventry Creations and advice from Storm Cestavani, Astrological Life Coach, Discover your potential in your Akashic records with Patty Shaw,

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Candle Ritual for Dynamic Change
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