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Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 26, 2021

The Full Moon is in Sagittarius on May 26, 2021, and is also experiencing a lunar eclipse. The funny thing about this eclipse, which is also in the south node, is that it compels us to let go of beliefs that used to be precious to us but are now the source of our pain.

It’s nerve-wracking to let go of what used to make us feel safe. We all grow out of needing the security blanket or teddy bear one day. Today could be that day.

Candle Ritual for Gently and Lovingly Setting the Past Free

You will need a Fiery Wall of Protection Motor City Hoo Doo and Spiritual Cleansing Motor City Hoo Doo candle, your willingness to look at your beliefs, paper, and pen.

This ritual is more about supporting and protecting you while you assess what is important to you now. Start by removing the wrapping from the candles and putting them in candle holders. Light the Fiery Wall of Protection candle and do a grounding meditation. Stay with the meditation until you feel clear-headed and confident. If you need to, imagine you are putting your worries in a silk bag. Then place the bag on a white table of sacrifice, then watch while the bag evaporates. You should feel like there is much more space between you and your concerns.

The next thing you are going to do is do an inventory of what you believe about yourself, life, and family traits. Separate the positive beliefs from the negative by putting them into two different columns. When you are done, rip the paper in half so you now have two pieces of paper with a list of beliefs on each. Take the list of positive beliefs, fold it towards you three times, and put it under the Fiery Wall of Protection candle holder. The energy will surround these words with a protective wall of fire. Say an affirming statement. “Please surround me with all the protection I need in my mind, heart, soul, and around my body.”

You can do this next step outside.

Now light the Spiritual Cleansing candle. Roll the list of negative beliefs up and put it in the flame of this candle. Put the burning paper in an ashtray to finish burning. Say a releasing statement, “I let go of all the things I used to believe about myself, my life, and my family that are not good for me and held me back from realizing my full potential. I ask that I am protected while I let go of the past and renew myself.”

That’s it! You can finish burning the candle a few hours a day until they are done. Also, do something really nice for yourself. Always fill yourself with something positive and uplifting when you let something go. Choose something that is not something you’d do in the past to reward yourself, like drinking alcohol or retail therapy. What else makes you feel good about yourself?

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Lighten up your life with help from products from Coventry Creations and advice from Storm Cestavani, Astrological Life Coach, Discover your potential in your Akashic records with Patty Shaw,

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Make the Healing Shift with Chakra Magic
New Moon in Taurus May 11, 2021


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