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Full Moon in Libra on March 28, 2021

It’s a rare person who gets through life without a broken or bruised heart. Thankfully we have a Full Moon in Libra, the sign of relationships, here and armed with ice cream anda box of tissues. Why is this so important right now? It’s because this Full Moon opposes Venus and Chiron and our need to release the effects of painful and destructive relationships is top of mind and heart.

Letting go of relationships both good and bad is painful, so initiate this process with care. Still, the result opens the door for a happier and healthier future that is beneficial for our overall growth.

Candle ritual for healing the effects of a painful relationship

You will need a Transition Blessing Kit and three votive size candle holders. A piece of paper and a few different colors of pens or markers. The three candles in this kit are Truth and Justice, Prosperity, and Needed Change. Each candle will get you closer to relief and healing much needed after the trial and tribulations of this relationship. Whether this all happened last week or 10 years ago, this ritual will help.

Step 1: Open the packaging and put the three candles in the candle holders. On a piece of paper, draw a triangle. Place a candle at each point and draw a circle around all the candles and the triangle. Say the blessing on the label. “I welcome this time of transition. I open the door to positive change in my life, freeing me from my past limitations. I am inspired to travel in a new direction of abundant love, joy, prosperity, peace, success, and friendships.”

Step 2: In one color write inside the triangle all the things that you love about yourself, what gifts this relationship brought you, children, for example, all the things you liked or loved about your ex, and how did this person help you grow. In a different color, write down all the things you will do now that you are free that you could not do before. Or describe how your life will be better and what opportunities you are going to act on.

Step 3: On the outside of the circle, in yet a different color, write down the things you are giving up to achieve all the bounty inside the triangle. Be inspired and let your higher self guide you. There may be some things you haven’t thought of before. When you are done with your lists, light the candles and say the blessing again. Let the candles burn for about three hours. Come back tomorrow and light the candles again. Repeat until the candles are consumed.

When you are done with the ritual, express gratitude for all the good in your life and then do something nice for yourself.

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Lighten up your life with help from products from Coventry Creations and advice from Storm Cestavani, Astrological Life Coach, Discover your potential in your Akashic records with Patty Shaw,

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Power in Daily Declarations
New Moon in Pisces on March 13, 2021


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