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Full Moon in Pisces September 2, 2020

If ever the moon was aligned for deep introspection it is this Pisces Full Moon. Not only is the Pisces moon calling us to induce a trance-like state of mind, but she also wants us to escape harsh realities and take a break. Unfortunately, this makes our emotions vulnerable to manipulation and gaslighting.

How do we protect ourselves when we feel drawn to more spiritual endeavors?

The answer is found in understanding our place in the world and in the divine plan. Both can be discovered when we go into the stillness and ask, then listen. Being still, quiet and attentive is an action we can take when it’s time to disconnect from the cacophony of the material world. Only then can we tune in and spend time with our personal treasure map. The distractions of daily life blur and distort the details of this precious archive causing us to feel lost and uninspired.

Let's do a meditation together that will set up powerful protections and open the road to your X marks the spot. You will need a sacred space, the Hoo Doo Fiery Wall of Protection candle, and the Affirmation Meditation candle and you. Create your own sacred space with beauty, alone time, and boundaries. After you remove the packaging and place the candle in its candle holder, set up your energetic protection by lighting the Hoo Doo Fiery wall of Protection candle. Visualize a wall of orange-red fire like energy around your sacred space. Imagine the energy wall connects to the heart of the earth and the heart of the universe. None shall pass this wall unless invited by your conscious mind. Your unconscious and subconscious mind do not have permission to play with this wall of protection.

Now that is done. Next, light the Affirmation Meditation candle. You have already set it up in its candle holder, naked and ready to take you on a spiritual journey. Close your eyes and take three deep and gentle breaths. Imagine with each breath you are being filled with the light of your higher self. You see it flow into you from above and fill your body, aura, and chakras. You begin to feel in balance, grounded, and connected to the already illuminated part of yourself. If this is the first time doing this or thinking of yourself in this way, trust your higher self and follow its love and care for you, the human self, or your human expression of your spirit on earth.

Turn your focus to your treasure map. It holds all the information you’ll ever need to navigate your life. It’s clear to you that you are going for the X and the X represents your treasure. Your treasure is the element in your life that gives it meaning. The X your place in the divine plan. Once you understand that, you will understand your place in the world. When you are in the right place and in the right relationship to the world, you are better able to take care of yourself and take things less personally. Your mind and emotions are in balance and strong because you are less vulnerable to outside influences. You know your spirit and you know which path is yours.

Gazing at the map you see the many times you left the path to the X and explored different paths. Sometimes you liked the diversion, sometimes you did not, but every time, it didn’t feel right and you began again, searching for your path to the X. Now look for the red arrow that says You are Here. See it’s relationship to your X. Are you in alignment with your X or do you find yourself on a diverted path? If you are having trouble with this part, ask your higher self to help you see or know where you are on your map.

If you are in alignment, praise God/Goddess! Take note of what is going on in your life and know that you are doing well and you are exactly where you want and need to be. Know that you are being helped even more because you are right smack in the middle of your place in the divine plan. Congratulations!

If you have wandered off your path to X, take note of the elements currently in action in your life. As you reflect on them, be open to why you went this way. Here are some questions you can ask yourself. Did I let someone influence me? Why did I do that? How did I feel or think about myself when I made this decision? What was I trying to learn, experience, or accomplish? Ask for help or insight if you are having problems discerning. At this time it’s best to be honest with yourself. Fooling yourself only contributes to your confusion. There is no one here to judge you. You are safe.

Once you are done with this introspection, decide what you want to do now. You may decide to stay where you are, or you may decide to make your way back to your path leading to X. Whichever you decide, it’s completely your choice. You will get help either way. It’s more probable that you will get more help when you choose to realign yourself with your path to x. Nevertheless, you will never be abandoned and your higher self will still send you hints and clues wherever you are. You can count on that.

As you feel complete with this meditation, release the image of your map and come back to the room. Give yourself time to come completely back. It’s helpful to write down what you learned for later. You can do this meditation at any time and continue the journey. Blow out your candles. You can relight them for your next meditation and anytime you need extra protection.

Lighten up your life with help from products from Coventry Creations and advice from Storm Cestavani, Astrological Life Coach, Discover your potential in your Akashic records with Patty Shaw,

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Active Stillness breaks open big magic.
New Moon in Leo August 19, 2020


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