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New Moon in Cancer June 21, 2020

We have a powerful solar eclipse in the sign of Cancer and a New Moon in Cancer and it’s Father’s day! Ordinarily, the New Moon is a great time to begin new things, but, during a solar eclipse, it is not recommended. However, it is a good time to connect with spirit and meditate because this sign helps us deepen our sensitivity to the other side.

We are also better able to look at our past and learn from it. Since it’s father’s day lets do a meditation to improve our relationship with our Heavenly Father and in turn our earthly father.

Candle ritual and meditation.

You will need a Blessed Herbal Emotional Balance, Blessed Herbal Healing, and Blessed Herbal Happiness candles. Three candleholders, a picture of your dad or something that represents him, something that represents the Father God (Heavenly Father).

In a sacred space, begin your meditation with an invocation prayer. Read the blessing on the Happiness candle. You are setting the tone for this candle ritual.

After you have removed all the packaging from the Happiness candle, place it in the candle holder, and light it. Invite the blessings of the Father God (Heavenly Father) into your mind, heart, and emotions.

Do the same for the Healing candle, then read the blessing on the label. When you light it, release into the flame all thoughts of resistance, or preconceived notions of what and who your Heavenly Father is. Let your mind become relaxed and neutral. You can say something like; I open my mind to a new thought of who and what the Heavenly Father is. I let go of what I was taught and what I thought. My mind is clear and healed of all mental strife.

Now release into the flame of the healing candle all painful or difficult experiences that happened between you and all male authority figures, both spiritual and earthly that you hold in your heart. This can be the most difficult part of the candle ritual. Take your time, and honor your process. Trust that in releasing this energy, you are clearing your heart of anything that blocks you from receiving love. If you are feeling resistance, call upon your higher self to help you. Be open to receiving what help you need. There may be cords to break, beliefs to dissolve, and wounded soul parts to be healed. Let this be as simple as possible. You do this by forgiving and letting go. Make a note of where you need help and take that to your therapist or healer. Everything that lingers and can not be resolved today can be put in a golden bubble with a pink bow on it. Ask Your higher self to hold it there until you can talk it out with someone.

Prepare and light the Blessed Herbal Emotional Balance candle and say the blessing on the label Release into the flame all tangled and old emotions you are holding onto in your sacral chakra and emotional body. Invite the soothing aroma of the candle to smooth out your feelings and calm the stormy seas in your sacral chakra and emotional body. See yourself on a boat on the still waters of a lake on a calm and sunny day. Feel at peace. Stay with this part of the meditation for up to fifteen minutes, letting the peace and emotional balance go deep within you and then spread all around you.

Now you are ready to focus on the Happiness candle once again. Read aloud the blessing again. Then turn your thoughts to your Father God. Invite him again into your mind, heart, and emotions. Feel the difference? You have changed. You have evolved and so has your relationship with your Father God. Now ask the Father God to bless your relationship with your earthly father. Ask to be led to a deeper understanding of it and know that it’s out of love for you that your Father God helps you with this. Now let it be what it is.

If you are inspired to take any action, do so with the knowledge that the Father God loves your earthly father too and would never ask you to do anything destructive, vindictive or retaliatory in any way. If you are getting feelings or thoughts to do that, stop and don’t do anything. You are being led by your pain and not your Father God and you need more time and help to heal. Put those thoughts and feelings in a golden bubble with a pink bow and hold them there until you can talk them out with a therapist or healer. Pray to be helped through it.

Return your attention to the flame of the happiness candle and repeat aloud the blessing. You deserve happiness and your Father God wants you to have it and will work with you until you believe it for yourself. This candle ritual is complete. Let the candles burn for up to another three hours before extinguishing them. Never leave a burning candle unattended, so if you have to go, blow them out and light them again when you return. Repeat this candle ritual at any time you wish to feel closer to the Father God.

Lighten up your life with help from products from Coventry Creations and advice from Storm Cestavani, Astrological Life Coach, Discover your potential in your Akashic records with Patty Shaw,

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