Coventry Creations Blogs

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New Moon in Aries March 24, 2020

We love an Aries New moon. That means we’re going to get an energizing boost and have the kahunas to follow through. Use this energy combo to give new life to your projects. If you are anything like us, you’ve got too many irons in the fire to do any of them much justice.

This New moon, do yourself a favor, and we’re going to do this as well. Pick the one project that you want to see accelerated and put it on the front burner. This means dedicating time and attention to it. You will have to put some things aside so, choose well.

Let’s do a New Moon Ritual to help you, 1. Decide on the project and 2. Get fired up about it.

Step one, pick the project. You will use the Chakra Magic Clarity candle to help you. First, list the projects you have started. Light the Clarity Chakra Magic candle and meditate on the list. Ask for clarity on which project is your first priority. You may find that your other projects will be more successful if they are done in succession instead of all at the same time. If you become confused, check your motivation. Sometimes we have subconscious reasons that bubble up and cause indecision. When we are clear on what’s motivating us, we have an easier time knowing what to do next. After your meditation, pick your project.

Step two, get fired up about it. This can be super easy if you invite the energy of the Aries New moon into your process. To get the party started, write the name of the chosen project at the top of your page. It could be a single sheet of paper or in your journal, diary, or planner. List all the cool things you’ll get to do because you have made a new commitment to this project. Next, write out a description of the outcome. Paint a picture with your words or literally paint a picture. Use the concept of a vision board to help you. What will your life look like when you have achieved this goal? Keep a Blessed Herbal Stability candle going as you work. It will keep your self-esteem steady and uplifting.

Bring your dreams to reality this year and next with help from products from Coventry Creations and advice from Storm Cestavani, Astrological Life Coach, Discover your potential in your Akashic records with Patty Shaw,

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A splash is all you need to clear your energy and ...
Full Moon in Virgo March 9, 2020


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