Coventry Creations Blogs

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Full moon in Capricorn July 16, 2019

Copy of Magic FullMoonJuly16 470sqOn July 16th, the full moon is in Capricorn. It’s also a lunar eclipse. Cap the goat manages our reputation, place in society, and the tangible adjectives that define who we are. We can use the energy of this celestial body to reinvent ourselves and let go of the masks that are no longer useful.

Also, this is a great time to do reputation work by letting go of the old and healing the internal issues around bad choices and decisions.

What a perfect discussion topic to take to your spiritual counselor, life coach or therapist. Now is the time to heal the effects of bad choices and professional faux pas. Be patient with yourself and honest too. If you need help getting clear and seeing the truth, spark up our Truth and Justice Blessed Herbal candle. Meditate with it and let it clear the fog of your own press, justifications and poor ME’s so you can get right to the heart of what you need to heal. Don’t waste this precious full moon on dodging the truth. It will only delay your success.

Doing this internal work will bring you to a higher plateau in your life, at work and with your contemporaries, family, and friends. Go for it, you can do this and we totally believe in you.

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New moon in Leo July 31, 2019
Five Spiritual lessons from my trainer


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