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New moon in Cancer July 2, 2019

Copy of Magic NewMoonJuly2 470sqThe new moon is in Cancer and on July 2nd. It is also a total solar eclipse. This provides us with a unique opportunity to get in touch with our emotions. So what does that really mean? It’s about being in the moment and realizing how potent every moment is.

When we are fully present in the situation, meaning our full attention is on what is going on now, we can focus on how we feel. Taking time to really notice our reactions can teach us a lot about what we believe to be true about ourselves, others and the situation we are in. You gotta take this slow too. Press pause and give yourself a chance to observe and take it all in. This means, don’t react emotionally in the moment to situations that push your buttons. You can do some damage, and that will take even more effort and energy to heal. All of this caution is only about negative reactions. Joyful reactions you can let fly. So much empowerment is gained when we are joyful.

Your magical tools for reducing stress, being in the moment, and connected with emotions will prove to be extremely beneficial with this new moon. Notice we didn’t talk about new beginnings or starting projects. With Mercury going retrograde it’s not recommended that you do any manifesting magic. Instead, we want you to reflect, renew and restore yourself. After you have done that, you will be a newer version of yourself and will face your challenges differently.

Reflecting candle ritual

You will need an Emotional Balance Blessed Herbal candle and Healing Chakra Magic spray. Get ready to meditate and spray the Healing Chakra Magic spray across your chest from right to left. As you begin your meditation, ground and protect then light the candle. Next, visualize your heart chakra relaxing and opening. Now reflect on your feelings, reactions, and stories surrounding the event, the people and yourself. Sort out the facts from the stories and use this information to help you understand yourself better. Ask that the energy held in your heart that clouds the truth be transmitted by the light. Ground and protect again.

Renewing candle ritual

You will need a Needed Changes Blessed Herbal candle and Love Chakra Magic spray. Get ready to meditate and spray the Love Chakra Magic spray across your lower abdomen from right to left. As you begin your meditation, ground and protect then light the candle. Next, visualize your sacral chakra relaxing and opening. Now ask for the energy in this chakra to be renewed. Release all old and unhelpful emotions into the candle flame to be transmuted. When that feels complete, ask the light reflected in the candlelight fill your sacral chakra, renewing it with love and understanding. Ground and protect again.

Restoring candle ritual

You will need a Stability Blessed Herbal candle and the Success Chakra Magic spray.

Get ready to meditate and spray the Success Chakra Magic spray across your pelvis from right to left. As you begin your meditation, ground and protect then light the candle. Next, visualize your root chakra relaxing and opening. With your intention, send roots from your root chakra into the earth. When you feel a strong connection with the spirit of the earth (Gaia) release all unviable and old energy that has been stuck in your root chakra into the earth. Take deep cleansing breaths and say out loud, I release the toxic energy held in my root chakra into the Mineral Kingdom to be transmitted by the light. When that is done, ask to be filled with earth energy. Feel it restore and strengthen you throughout your body and aura. Finish with a protection exercise.

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Full moon in Sagittarius June 17, 2019


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