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New Moon in Pisces March 6, 2019

New Moon in Pisces March 6 2109webA new moon in Pisces puts us squarely in our dream state and deeply desiring to disconnect from a reality we don’t like. Whether it’s painful, too challenging or just plain boring, if it’s not inspiring us, we are checking out.

Even though daydreaming is a way of escaping, it can also be an excellent tool for building the reality we want. We aren’t so tempted to turn away from life and go back to our fantasies when we’re happy. Let’s combine the propensity for dreaming with our power to create and make a better life for ourselves. I personally love to dream and I have to found a way to put this dreamy energy to good use. It will also manage the pitfalls of being “out there” when we really need to be focused on what is happening around us.

Candle ritual for Dreaming your way to a better life.

You will need Lakshmi, Ganesha, and Sweet Grass World Magic candles, and materials to make a vision board. Search online, Pinterest and YouTube for great instruction on how to make a vision board.

Your vision board represents the dreams and desires of your ideal life. It can be focused on one specific goal or you can go big picture and include all facets of your life. Once your board is done, hang in on the wall in front of a table where you will place your three candles in candle holders in front of it.

Lakshmi will empower your dreams and help them come true. Ganesha will open the road and help you release all that blocks your success. The Sweet Grass candle will keep you optimistic and grateful for every blessing you manifest. Starting with the Ganesha candle, light it and recite aloud the prayer on the label or create one of your own. Next, light the Lakshmi candle and recite that prayer. Finally, light the Sweet Grass candle and reciting the prayer. Burn the candles each day and say the prayers again. Be grateful for all your blessings and let your heart be filled with joy. Repeat this exercise until the candles are gone. Always extinguish your candles when you are done and never leave a burning candle unattended.

Watch for evidence in your life that your dreams are coming true. Take action on opportunities and stay optimistic when challenges appear. Life isn’t a straight line and you don’t have control over everything that happens in the world, but you do have control over how you respond to your circumstances. Keep a positive attitude and never give up on your happy life. You can make magic happen!

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Blessings on your day
The Full Moon in Virgo on February 19th


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