Coventry Creations Blogs

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Full Moon in Gemini, November 22, 2018

Full Moon in Gemini Nov 22 2018The full moon is in the sign of Gemini on November 22, 2018. We are solidly in the Elk moon according to Sun Bear’s Earth astrology. Like the snake energy of the new moon two weeks ago, Elk energy is also about high level thinking.

What I like about Elk medicine is that it helps us create community with likeminded people. Specifically with people of our own gender. There are times we need the brotherhood or sisterhood to help us learn about ourselves without jealousy and competition. This kind of support group can get us back to our center so we can rebuild our strength and confidence. It’s the kind of healing that can happen only with people who experience life from the perspective of our same gender.

Embracing Elk energy

Create space during this full moon in Elk medicine for a candle ritual. Make your intention about developing awareness about your workload. If you are overburdened it may be time to reach out to your community of brothers or sisters and ask for help. Light the Full Moon Drawing Down the Moon candle to illuminate your mind. Let the reality of your life come into focus. See what is actually going on instead of what you wish is going on. While you rest in this awareness, allow the stress and tension you hold in your body flow into the earth. Take your time with this as you many not want to see the truth at first. It may help to laugh at yourself for all the ways and reasons you are holding onto a false picture. Its ok, we all do it.

Once you are free of the illusions and confusions, anoint your chakras with the Inner Balance Blessed Herbal oil. Allow the beautiful soft scent to bring balance first to your mind, then to your emotions. In that revelry, be reminded of your tribe. There are men or women in your life who can mentor you, support you and be your non-judgmental friend. After your meditation, reach out to them, make an appointment or invite them out for a cup of coffee and a conversation. Be open to being someone else’s tribe too. This back and forth sharing also helps you see your reality more clearly.

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