Coventry Creations Blogs

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Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio - yes we can survive it.

October 13th is the last Mercury Retrograde for 2020 and we have a fresh Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer candle for you. This retrograde is in Scorpio and will affect us deep within our feels. Before you jump into the power struggle of hurt feelings, remember to stay in the facts.

Before you pass the pain back, ask yourself am I basing this in facts or my own special interpretation of the intent. The MRx Neutralizer will help you keep your feelings from running away with the stories our interpretations tell us.

Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer - Limited Edition

Stay steady and breathe my friends, we are still on the bumpy ride. This year calls for you to use all of your tools to stay steady and sane. This Halloween is the perfect time to tune into your ancestors, fill yourself with their strength and wisdom and celebrate all of life.

Every Coventry Creations product is a celebration of our witchy-ness, light your candle and make you magic!

Visit our website to browse our unique products, read our blogs and more. Make sure to check out our Witches Union page. It celebrates the powerful witch in you. We’ve got products, contests, and a Spell Caster Club Facebook group. Be part of something special, our witchy community, because you are special. You can do magic!

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New Moon in Libra October 16, 2020
Full Moon in Aries, October 1, 2020


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