Coventry Creations Blogs

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Try a little Hoo Doo to wake up your life

Feature blog Retail 470sqWe bring the magic of Hoo Doo to your door. All is left for you to do is choose to be empowered. Remember to practice magic responsibly, karma is a bitch! No matter what your problem, we have the conjure for that.

Create the perfect magical combination for your needs with our Hoo Doo candles and oils.

Have fun learning about our Hoo Doo candles and oils with all their magical and practical uses on our website To show our gratitude for your patronage, please enjoy our 15% off sale this month.

Retail Special

15% off Motor City Hoo Doo candles and oils

Motor City Hoo Doo Candles (Adam & Eve, Adam & Steve, Alice & Eve, Black Cat, Crown of Glory, Come to Me, Cleo Mae, Helping Hand, High John, Lucky 7, Money Draw, Querent Caller, Recover Lost $, Road Opener, Reversing, Spiritual Cleansing, Scales of Justice, Tranquil Home, Uncrossing, Van Van)

$11.75 ($13.75 reg price)

Motor City Hoo Doo Oils (Crown of Glory, Come to Me, Fiery Wall of Protection, High John, Money Draw, Road Opener, Uncrossing, Van Van)

$8.50 each ($10.00 reg price)


Two easy ways to get Wicked Good Magic products in your hands.

  1. Order online at and order 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  2. Call us at the Candle Wick Shoppe 1-248-547-2987. We will answer your questions, take your order and make you smile.

Dazzle your friends by being a Coventry Creations magic maker!

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Three steps to creating a charmed life
New moon in Taurus May 4, 2019


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Monday, 10 March 2025

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