Coventry Creations Blogs

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Dorothy Morrison’s Wicked Witch Halloween

Dorothy Morrisons Wicked Witch Halloween FeatureRetail 470sqWho have you been missing? We know, it’s Dorothy Morrison and her wildly witty charming candles and oils. This month her Wicked Witch Mojo candles and oils are on sale.

Wicked Witch Mojo candles 15% off

reg. - $13.75, sale price - $11.75

Wicked Witch Mojo Oils 15% off

reg. - $10.00, sale price - $8.50

We have locked arms with Dorothy Morrison again to follow the yellow brick road to a Wicked Witch Halloween. Wait til you see these four funny and potent candles to help you with your haunting problems. All new recipes, spells with a new gorgeous label design. As the Cauldron Bubbles will put gossipers in their place. The Conjurer candle empowers your magic. Spirited Discourse helps you speak with spirit guides and loved ones. Haint Happenin’ busts ghosts for good. Each is 2”x 4 ½” pillar of magical goodness and $13.75. They will be available until September 30th.

From your magic makers at Coventry; we present two hefty candles for celebrating Halloween or Samhain. It’s a gorgeous pumpkin color and its fragrance is out of this world. We’ve also brought back our beloved Hekate candle for the season. Both will be available through October 31st. Both are 2”x 6 ½” and $24.50 each.

Lastly, our Ghost candles will also be available through October 31st. Stock up on Séance, Night Terror, Home Clear and Bless and Ghost Repel. 2”x 4 ½” and $13.75 each.

NEW! Witches Union Evil Eye patch

Featured this month is the Witches Union Evil Eye patch. We’ve combined the power of the Hamsa from the Middle East and the Evil Eye which is a powerful repellant of negative intent to create a patch that brings divine protection into your immediate world. The symbol is called the Hand of God and provides ultimate energetic protection. When you active this patch with the spell provided, you will be placed under the watchful eyes of the divine. Available September 1st and is $7.50. Add this to your collection of Witches Union Patches. Then take a picture and put it on Facebook or Instagram. Don’t forget to tag Coventry Creations.

Order online or call us 800-810-3837 with your questions and order. For more news about upcoming specials visit our website.

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New Moon in Virgo Sept 9, 2018
Full Moon in Pisces August 26, 2018


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