Coventry Creations Blogs

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Chillin’ by the pool is meditation

FeatureRetail 470sqThe beat goes on (for all of you under the age of 50, google that phrase) means you’re not letting anything spoil your optimistic outlook. Don’t worry be happy is a more modern turn of the phrase, but there is a lot of tough stuff going on that is hard to ignore.

It causes us stress, creates fear and makes us angry. So what can we do to keep ourselves in balance and healthy? We can let our chill times at the pool, become an opportunity for mindful moments or even some meditation. Just for 5 minutes, put the book down, turn off your podcast close your eyes and breathe rhythmically and slowly. As you do this, begin to notice how your body allows deeper relaxation to happen. Be mindful of your thoughts and how they affect you. Let your breath and the calm waters of the pool take you to a state of mind that rises above it all and brings strength and courage back to you.

Blessed Herbal Candles 15% off

Blessed Herbal Oils 15% off

Announcing Eight New Blessed Herbal Oils!

Ancestor, Happy Home, Needed Changes,

Problem Solving, Prosperity, Stability, Truth & Justice.

In case you missed it, we added eight more oils to our Blessed Herbal Oil line. They are also 15% off. There is much more magic to be made my friends! Anoint away your problems, bless your ancestors and create wealth with our expanded line of Blessed Herbal oils.

Join the Witches Union, and buy all the patches and follow the spells on the cards. You will be a magical adept in no time. This month we celebrate the gift of meditation. Our patch uses the lesson of the water lily. It teaches us that great personal strength and beauty result from a balanced connection to the muddy deep and exposure to the light. That is totally a metaphor for being a human being, isn’t it?

Please, call us today to get some Blessed Herbal magic working for you! Put a selfie on our Facebook page wearing your Meditation Witches Union patch. We will celebrate with you. @coventrycreationscandles.

All of Coventry Creations Chakra Magic candles and sprays are available June 1, 2018. Order online at .

To purchase more life changing Coventry products, visit our website and don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter for more Coventry magic delivered right to your inbox.

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New Moon in Leo August 11, 2018
Full moon in Aquarius July 27, 2018


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