Coventry Creations Blogs

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Protection lies in your ability to rise above your anxiety

CMO Protection lies in your ability to rise above your anxietyWe do a lot to make sure we are safe. Then something happens anyway. Why is that? It’s because we

have a vulnerability somewhere. It’s called the blind spot. I took this question to the CMO deck and this is what came up.

Card one - use this Coventry candle to overcome your challenge – Blessed Herbal Prosperity, “Change the game and win”. Have you been playing things the same way expecting different results? I’ve done it myself. I kept hitting the print button when the printer failed to respond. Is that dumb or what? Instead of mindlessly hitting the easy button, stop, look and listen. There is something going on here that you need to pay attention to. It’s something you’ve been ignoring or it didn’t occur to you that this detail was important. Slow down, change the game and see how protective being informed can be.

Card two - use this candle to help you transform fears into strengths – Success Affirmation candle. “Rise above your fear of success and you will be invincible.” Fear of success or fear of failure. Aren’t they really the same thing? Still, being the pickle in the middle of these two fears is all about being stuck. To rise above a fear and get out of the rut, taking a risk is involved. When we refuse to take the risk our vulnerability increases because we stay fearful of making a move. That’s when the tiger swoops in and eats us. Don’t be a sitting duck, keep moving and watch your fears turn into strengths.

Card three - use this candle to help you create what you desire – Come to Mama Wicked Witch Mojo candle. “Draw in the protective energies of Deity and the Universe. (You’ll have to supply your band of flying monkeys).” We are co-creators! Come to Mama energy is about believing in yourself and your deserve-ability in addition to your desirability. You can create what you want and need in your life and it will be delivered on a silver platter. Alight with divine thought and you’ll be amazed at what comes to you. It could be more than you ever imagined. Let your protection be seen in the blessings from the divine.

Reward your journey of overcoming vulnerabilities with a Witches Union Protection Invocation Magic patch. Wear it to remind you that protection is not just an attitude, it's empowerment.

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Don’t know how to energetically protect yourself?
Full moon in Virgo March 1, 2018

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