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101 Ways to Tell If Your House is Haunted

GC HBCOr really some generalizations and a candle magic cure.  I could ask you a litany of questions, “Is that the furnace?  A bird in the attic?  Raccoons on the roof?  A leaky window?  Is there a dark man standing outside the window?  Did it come from within the house?  Do you see flickers in the mirror?  Feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up?  Feel cold drafts?”.  Let’s face it, if you are haunted you probably already know it or are reading this to aid someone who is.  


Hauntings do seem to fall into a few categories and you can certainly tweak your spellwork fairly easily to deal with them all.  This month’s special edition Home Clear and Bless Ghost candle was made to clear out the past energy from your house, whether its spirits or former tenants, and it can be used in conjunction with many other candles to get the desired effect.


Probably the most favored ghost genre of Hollywood is the poltergeist; you know like Poltergeist the movie.  You’ve seen it.  You know what this is all about.  Broken dishes, slamming doors, terrified children and a weird attachment to the TV.  Scratch that, that explains most modern children.  So let’s say odd electronic behaviors.  Like they are trying to talk to you...and maybe do.  Watch out for creepy blond children hanging out in their nightgowns.  For sure there is a poltergeist around; those little girls attract them like magnets.  Use the Poof! Wicked Witch Mojo candle in addition to the Bless and Clear Ghost candle to get those lousy gremlins gone.  Or lay down the law with those bratty kids, whichever applies.  


Residual hauntings are what I like to call imposed post cognizance. The living keep walking in on a scene that repeats itself over and over; one that doesn’t exist on this place in time.  If there are any ghostly figures in the room they don’t attempt to interact with the living.  It’s much like the holodeck, only without the controls.  Using the Home Bless and Clear Ghost candle should be enough to erase the video loop.  


Intelligent hauntings can be a little frightening as the dead may be trying to talk to you directly.  It does make for a shocking midnight snack.  Usually these folks are harmless and in need of some closure; nothing like taking your baggage to the grave.  In addition to the House Clear and Bless Ghost candle, I’m thinking that a little helping hand is needed and suggest the Problem Solving Blessed Herbal candle.

Then things get a little freaky; entities which never had any human form that are just energy based.  Often their only purpose is to create chaos and destruction.   These malevolent spirits, culminations of negative energy, can be powerful and dangerous.  You know, like in The Shining.  Yes, Home Bless and Clear Ghost candle but I would suggest you pack a wallop with the Fiery Wall of Protection Motor City Hoo Doo candle and the Protection Blessed Herbal candle.  If you feel that you and yours are not safe seek guidance from your local spiritual community.  


The other side influences our lives every day and usually not by taking over the hotel we are caretakers for.  Our sensitivity to ghostly activity grows with each encounter; sometimes to a distracting level. The Ghost Candles are specially made to enforce authority over the intersection of spirit world and ours.  The Ghost candles are made at the time of year when the veil is at its thinnest between our world and beyond. They not only deal with issues of the spirit world but also in the lingering energy the living can leave behind.  

This annual special edition line is a popular tradition here at Coventry Creations.  This year we will be offering the following candles: Home Clear and Bless, Night Terror, Ghost Repel, and Seance.  Don't miss out on this limited run!

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