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Can Alchemy Solve Everything?

BHC HTIf so, what is the the right mixture for success?  Success is the constant churning of the elements; thought into passion into emotion into action; air into fire into water into earth.  That is the start of the alchemical process, turning emotion into action; water into earth.  Add in that unique ingredient of spirit and you are manifesting the success to achieve your goals.  This is an unending alchemical process; with your growing success, your targets will change.  As you learn and evolve, your goals will evolve with you.

When you embrace success as a process instead of an end goal, you can enjoy who you are. Success is a process of passion and it can be a process of joy and happiness.   What destroys that happiness is when you use outdated cultural norms or even the projections of others. The journey of success is not necessarily about money; it is more about fulfillment.  Start living your own magic by shedding the expectations and judgments of what others deem success to be and watch your good fortune grow!

7 Magical Steps to Creating Success

Let go of the past and start in the here and now.  Past mistakes, fears, experiences can become the driving force in inhibiting your success and the only place they will drive you is off the cliff.  Use the Motor City Hoo Doo Uncrossing Candle to identify and clear from you those past emotions that will stop you from achieving your goal.

Thoughts lead to feelings. Feeling lead to actions. Actions lead to results.  Light a Spiritual Cleansing Blessed Herbal candle and whisper that negative self sabotaging talk into the candle.  Shake off all those nasty voices in your head and move forward clean and clear.

Burn the Heart Blessed Herbal Candle to show you where your passion lies and how you want to experience success.  What are the actions or steps you need to take to get to your place of success?  How would you know if you actually achieved your success if you do not have a benchmark to measure it against?  List five things you need to do in the physical world to promote your success and speak them aloud.  Visualize your target success every morning, take action towards it every day, and keep your eyes open for new ways of getting there.

Humor, the ultimate road opener…..Use the Ganesha World Magic candle to remove obstacles and bring joy.  When you invite his energy into your life the unexpected creates the miracles you are looking for.  You know you are on the right path when you come upon roadblocks.  Our internal saboteur actually looks for roadblocks to give excuses for diversions from your goal.  The Ganesha candle helps you see those roadblocks and then laugh at yourself about them.  Light it every time you come upon a block or fear.  When you open your mind to see the block for what it truly is, it gets less scary and formidable.

Invite success with the Success Affirmation candle by starting with gratitude, giving thanks for everything you have already accomplished and all that you have.  Honoring these successes and your current abundance opens the door for more to enter.  If you have been struggling with success it is because you have forgotten what it is to succeed.  You have depleted your self-esteem and personal power.  This step helps you get back into your place of power where you can invite in success.

Relax your expectations and let the universe bring to you what you truly need to manifest your success.  Use the Attraction Blessed Herbal candle to draw in exactly what you need.  It may not be what you thought it would be, but if you open your mind you will find that what you receive is even better than the original expectation.

Burn the Crown of Glory Motor City Hoo Doo candle and be open to opportunity.  The perfect time, place and opportunity will arrive.  Every time.  Every step you take in this magical journey leads you to this moment.   It is your moment alone, your moment of glory.  Your courage to change for the better, your courage to be successful will be what helps you take advantage and travel through the manifestation of your success.  

When opportunity presents itself – GRAB  IT!  The universe will provide the opportunity, but you have to see and utilize it.  This part it totally up you!  It is the brass ring; snatch it up and run with it.  Enjoy, be at peace, and know you have traveled through to a place where you can sustain your new vibration while living a glorious life full of continued successes.

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