Coventry Creations Blogs

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Conjuring Career Changes

hdcfeatureThere are times when a helping hand is needed to pull us forward into prosperity.  Whether you are looking for a new job or financial security, May is the month to take action.  Our Motor City Hoo DooCandles and Oils are the obvious choice to ignite the magic and focus your desires.


Hoodoo is a very practical and root based magic that digs deep into your core. The results are fast, profound, and healing.  Conjure is folk magic for the folks; adaptable and wild.  Deeply empowered by the forces of nature and the support of ancestors, Hoodoo can be used to clear obstacles, and draw in wealth.  Candles, oils, herbs, stones, charms, and talismans play a large part and this month’s blogs will explore some of the options in this intuitive magical system.  


Get in touch with your “roots” with our Motor City Hoo DooCandles and Oils.   This is the perfect time to expand your spheres of influence with this powerful line of Coventry Creations’Candles and Oils.


Use coupon code HDC1516 for 15% off all Motor City Hoo Doo Candles and Oils in May.


Making Changes with May’s New Job Spell Box


Get the job you are dreaming of with May’s New Job Spell Box including the Motor City Hoo DooQuerent Caller and Money Draw candles, Crown of Glory oil, and a spell crafted by our in house enchantress, Jacki Smith. In today’s economy who doesn’t need a little extra magic when seeking new work?  These spell boxes are available in May, order yours today and clear your path to the perfect career.


Use coupon code SBNJ to take advantage of this limited edition spell box.


An Added Bonus: Spellcaster Club Cards


We are centered on right livelihood in May and there are times that needs a little push in the right direction.  Our limited edition Spellcaster Club Cards will help you  solve some common issues and are included at no charge.  We are looking forward to sharing the magic with our Boss Fix and Golden Sales Spellcaster Club Cards in every May order.


Share Your Magic

Create your own spell box pairings and add a little magic of your own! Tell us what combination of Coventry Creations products you use to increase prosperity, get the ball rolling on projects and draw abundance to your life.  We will select the best of the best and feature your spell suggestions on all our social media outlets.

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Put Some Power in Your Resume with the New Job Spe...
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