Coventry Creations Blogs

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2 minutes reading time (357 words)

Out, out damn spot

W SWSWhen your energy is bedazzled with ick, you can sure feel it. It’ll give you headaches, make you cranky, tired and oh so blue.  Where does this stuff come from?  It’s sourced in other people and can also come bubbling up from your own secret closet deep in your unconscious.  A lot of it is from emotional dumping and your emotional reactions. It is also from negative thinking, negative language and the stink eye aka a psychic attack.

Never fear you can once again be pure as the driven snow, energetically speaking.  Just like the cat in the hat was able to turn the unfortunate pink house back into white, our World Magic Sacred White Sage candle and oil can do the same for you.


It’s such a small investment for such a grand return.  At your earliest convenience, pick up a Sacred White Sage World candle and spend some time meditating with it.  As the candle burns, imagine the gunk in your aura dissolving in the flame.  Do this as many times as you need to until you feel lighter and more relaxed. You will notice now much that the energetic ick made you feel tense.

A candle ritual is a great way to clear the junk from your Aura.  Our favorite candle for this is the gorgeous and powerful Sacred White Sage World Candle.

Isn’t it great to know you have a way to put the sparkle back in your aura without a lot of drama and spending a lot of money? Candle Magic is very powerful.

Sage is the way to go when you need to clear out negative and dissonant energy from you, your home and your office.  Our World Magic Candles and oils are 15% off all April 2016. Look for them or a magical store near you.

Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life? It does to me too. Many magical products are available at or at your local spiritual supply store. To get more unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.

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