Coventry Creations Blogs

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Queen of the Universe

You too can be the Queen of your whole F@#king Universe

SC QU 470sqEnough!  Enough of the demands of others, enough of putting yourself last, enough of letting your own needs take the back seat and apologizing for what you want.  Enough of being looked over and dismissed!   It’s time to create the world/universe that you want and be Queen of it. This spell takes a bit of attitude, self-worth and little bit of selfishness.  To create the world you want, you need to be a bit selfish or you are going to end up creating the world that someone else needs, not you.

Being the Queen in your own life is not about greed, it’s about self-care!

So many of us are afraid to get just a touch selfish and put themselves first we find ourselves at the beck and call of everyone around us.    Get the attitude on, find your boundaries and unlock the personal power that you have been hiding from yourself!  

Unlock your personal power, opportunities, wisdom and even the gates between the worlds and take authority over your universe!

Order a Come to Mama Wicked Witch Mojo Candle, Everything and Then Some Wicked Witch Mojo oil, a Stability Blessed Herbal candle from Coventry Creations and gather some items from around your house and Viola – a magical spell to change your world.

The Queen of the Universe Spell Card is included in your February 2016 Coventry purchase along with the Forever Mine Spell card and Witches Union Membership card.   After that, if we have any remaining, they will be available for sale on the Coventry site.

Does using magic and spell work sound like a great way to improve your life? It does to me too. Many magical products are available at or at your local spiritual supply store. To get more unique spells like this, monthly specials and new product announcements subscribe to the Coventry newsletter.

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Wish Granted Spell Box
Bitch Be Gone


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