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Making Mercury Retrograde Your Bitch

The scape goat of the 21st century; “Bad things are happening, is Mercury retrograde again?”   It’s time to cut it out and stop laying down on the Mercury Retrograde sword.  It is time to turn this energy into something that serves you instead of enslaves you.

Mercury Retrograde is not a time for you to freeze frame and be afraid of living.  It is time to open your eyes and be prepared.  Mercury’s lesson is all about being prepared and paying attention.   Basically when Mercury is direct you get to phone it in and be bit lazy and honestly, that plan can blow up hard.   Mercury Rx does you a favor by shaking up your world and showing you where to put your attention and make your fixes.  

It’s time to LOVE retrograde and make it work FOR you.

Don’t sign a contract, start a project, fix anything, write anything, drive anywhere, email anyone, call anyone…. Because Mercury is retrograde.   Who can even live like that??   4 times a year, three or more weeks at a time where you are frozen…  No one has time for that!  

No one has time for their car to break down, computer to go in the fritz or to get into a big fat fight with their partner or bestie. These crisis’ can derail everything and set you back to before Mercury went to the dark side and stole all of your cookies.   So, what do you do when those things start happening during a Mercury Retrograde?   A little pro-active planning will get you through the whole mess.

Don’t panic at the first Mercury Retrograde symptom, right that energy and make it useful.

Mercury Retrograde, when allowed to be a blessing instead of a curse, can change your game for the better.

Mercury Retrograde Spell Box – Righting the Retrograde and taking charge of your energy.

In the Mercury Rx box there are 2 candles, an oil and instructions for using this energy that surrounds you.   The Happiness Blessed Herbal candle and the Van Van Motor City Hoo Doo candle & oil are the favorite go-tos of the Coventry staff and we have been recommending them as retrograde remedies for years.

The VanVan is an old conjure recipe that stops negative magic or bad luck in its tracks and turns its back.   No matter where that energy is coming from (even if you did it to yourself), Van Van will smooth out your energy and put you back in alignment and balance.  The oil is for you and the candle for your environment – inside and out you will right what went wrong.   

The Happiness candle is akin to the sun energy and nothing trumps the sun.  It will rise every day and burn away your troubles and energize you for what is next.   When you align with your inner happiness, your outer life will reflect that.

This spell box takes you through every magical step to make Mercury Retrograde your bitch… or maybe simply your ally.

Coventry Creations  has your Mercury Retrograde Spell Box ready for you – but when they are out, they are out and you have to wait on the next cycle.    Also check out our Store locator to see who in town has this spell box waiting for you.

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