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Detroit Hoodoo Month: Mother Mary.



Mother Mary

By Momma Starr Casas


For over 35 years, veteran Rootworker and Traditional Conjure Woman, Starr Casas, has been helping folks through her ancestral heritage of Old Style Conjure. She is the best-selling author of THE CONJURE WORKBOOK VOL. 1: WORKING THE ROOT published through Pendraig Publishing. She is also the author of many bestselling self-published titles on Old Style Conjure such as WORKING WITH BLACKHAWK & THE HOODOO MONEY CONJURE WORKBOOK. For more information, you can visit her site


As a child I was taught how important Mary was because she was Jesus’s mama. The Virgin Mary is also known as the Heavenly Queen. She is wonderful to petition for anything dealings with males or the family. Any mother that is worth a grain of salt is going to protect her children. Mother Mary is very good when it comes to protection.


You can petition her for protection in any situation you may find yourself in. I have found that when working with her she likes plain ole olive oil when you are dressing her vigils and work. From experience it seems to me that she works faster if the petition is for a male child; a son or Grandson. I burn white candles for her. She doesn’t need a bunch of Hocus Pocus to get her to help you; just petition her.


She can also be petitioned for healing. If you find yourself in need of some healing work then; take a white undressed candle. Call on the Trinity then on Mother Mary. Petition her to aid in the healing of your body. She works really fast when it comes to opened wounds and pain. Take the candle and rub it over the affected area. The pain will ease in no time. Let the candle burn out and repeat as needed. She really helps with a woman’s monthly suffering.


I want to share one small work that can be done with her;


Protection Medicine Bottle

·         Isaiah 43 torn from the Bible and burned to ash

·         A photo of the family burned to ash

·         {Add these to the medicine bottle}

·         Frankincense

·         Devils Bit Devils Shoestring

·         A Pinch of dirt from a church yard

·         Pour in some Olive oil


While you are making the bottle pray and petition Mother Mary for protection. Once you have the bottle ready. Set it on top of a photo of the Holy Family in front of a statue of the Mother Mary. Set four tea lights around the bottle in the sign of the cross.


Light them and pray your petition. Once the bottle is finished give it to her for safe keeping go at least once a week and renew your petition.


BIRTH OF MARY Feast - September 8

This feast day was introduced by Pope Sergius I in 701. There are other accounts of Mary's birth, such as the gospel of pseudo-Matthew. Place a red cloth on the table, to this you can add an open Bible; give her an offering of red wine and some white roses. Say three Hail Mary’s in honor of her birth.

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Comments 1

Guest - Marguerite Victor on Sunday, 24 May 2015 11:25

Thanks for sharing such great and helpful information.

Thanks for sharing such great and helpful information.
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