Coventry Creations Blogs

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Who are you today anyway?

This series of blogs has been inspired by Coventry Magic by Jacki Smith.   b2ap3_thumbnail_who-are-you-today-anyway-1.jpg


I am sometimes shocked to see photos of myself nowadays. It's not like I have changed too much, but in my head  I am the cutest photo I have ever taken, that is my expectation.  Then in the seconds it takes for the actual picture to pop up, I feel a mini betrayal from my phone. That was not flattering phone! What were you thinking giving me a double chin phone!?


The truth is, we are not always really who we think we are.  This could be in a positive way like you consider your self boring, but you have everyone in your office in stitches most days.  It can also be in a more negative way(I am picturing the failed auditions from American Idol, talk about false sense of self!)


January’s theme for Coventry is getting comfortable in your own skin.  This is why we have the Affirmation line on promotion. Affirmations are all about reflecting and exploring with in. (coupon code AFSP10)  This is the first in a year long series of unlocking your personal power. The first thing you need to become your superhero self?  Figure out who you even are.


In the living with moon magic video for the full moon from last week, Patty gets the process started by suggesting questions to ask yourself to find out what you really value.  Be really honest with yourself about what you really find important. I may say losing weight is really important to me, but if I dig deeper, I find it is less about being thin and more about my fears of what unhealthy food is doing to my body and my long term quality of life.


So to get us started, I am putting myself out there and doing it too.


Here are my answers to Patty’s questions:


How old are you?I am 31 years old

What are you slacking off at?So many things, but honestly, I am slacking off at engaging in my relationships and being more physical.

What do you like about your job? That we work as a team, I feel very loved, supported and in a safe place.

What is your favorite outside of work activity?I don’t have any activities I am kinda in a rut, over focused on work and netflix.  So I guess my favorite activity is Netflix.

What have you been avoiding doing?Turning off Netflix

Who do you miss spending time with the most?My friends, especially those far away.

What do you feel you have had to give up last year, but you didn’t want to?This one is odd, we bought a house last year.  We recently returned to the states after living abroad many years. Buying this house meant, at least for now, giving up the idea of getting to go back there.

How much money do you want to see in your savings? What about your life prevents this?I wanted enough for 3-4 months of bills saved up.  Family trips and spending too much on food kept my from 100% my goal, but I did manage to save a bit.


Next I am going to take these answers and see what I can realistically pull out as my expectations for a more empowered me. Look for the article: Reality is the key word here coming next Wednesday. To start your own journey,  pick up a copy of Coventry Magic we can do it together!. I would love to hear any updates on your progress and findings!

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