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Astro Magic Forecast for November 2022

Nov2022 AstroMagic


Astro Magic November 2022 

We begin November right where we left off with October. There is a battle in the heavens, and our lives will be impacted. So, you can expect the rest of Scorpio season to be like the intense energies that occurred during Leo season, as Saturn and Uranus continue their final face-off, all of which are intensified by the final eclipse of 2022 in the sign of Taurus.

However, once we move into Sagittarius season, the cosmos calms down and clear skies emerge out of the chaos of the last year. 

Now let’s discuss Sagittarius season… 

Out of the Phoenix's ashes, the archer rises and points his arrow into the eternal heavens. It’s a drastic shift in energies from the discomfort we faced during Scorpio season. Scorpio season is about facing our fears, and phobias, and working on our dysfunctions (and yes, we all have them); whereas Sagittarius season is about looking to the future -- onward and upward. 

In mythology, Jupiter, the King of the gods, rules the heavens, and likewise, he is the ruler of Sagittarius. Jupiter was a benevolent deity, but he had a little zipper problem. He couldn’t seem to keep it up! His Greek counterpart, Zeus, was always at odds with his wife Hera because of his numerous affairs and the many children from his illicit unions. Now, we can easily get caught up in the stories of a male deity constantly cheating on his wife, but stories (as repulsive as some may be), in many ways, describe archetypal energies through imagery and artistic prose. However, Zeus’ illicit affairs and conquests are not necessarily about male dominance and womanizing; they reveal this fiery god’s need to fertilize the sea of possibilities. The focus is on tomorrow’s potential and what can be created, not the real world of today, which is a feature found in all the fire signs. 

Likewise, Hera (Zeus’s wife) is not merely an insecure, desperate housewife who enacts her revenge on her husband, his mistresses, and his illegitimate progeny. Instead, Hera reflects the real world of obligations, responsibilities, contracts/agreements, and the stabilizing effect of the element of earth. After all, Sagittarius needs grounding in the real world so it can give birth to creative visions. 

During Sagittarius season, we need to leave the past behind and focus on the future. Magically speaking, we can use this potent energy to create goals (realistic ones), juice up our inspiration, and focus on the world we can create. It’s excellent for returning to school, studying something new, visiting faraway places, and increasing personal vitality. 

Recommended Candles:  Jupiter (Astro Magic), Energy and Will (Blessed Herbal)

5 Ways to Make the Most of Sagittarius Season 

1.  Fire Magic:  Do you remember when you were a child, and you blew out a birthday candle and made a wish? Guess what? You were doing fire magic, and candle magic is one of its chief tools. You can use fire magic any time of the year, but it’s exceptionally potent during Sagittarius season. Other forms of fire magic are scrying, burning incense, and charging objects by the light of the Sun. Use fire magic if you are looking for a boost of energy or a bit of gumption.

Recommended Candles:  The Sun (Astro Magic), Energy and Will (Blessed Herbal Candle), Success (Affirmation)

2.  Intuition Magic:  Psychotherapist Carl Jung believed intuition is linked to the fire element, which Sagittarius is a proud member. You can use intuition magic to boost your psychic abilities, practice divination, and even by scrying with a candle flame and a mirror. 

Recommended Candles:  Ancestors (Blessed Herbal), Intuition (Affirmation), Clarity (Chakra Magic)

3.  Good Luck Magic:  Jupiter is the planetary ruler of Sagittarius, and he is known for luck and good fortune. But what is luck? Is it something completely random, or is it stretching our perception to take advantage of presented opportunities? Good luck magic helps put the odds in your favor! 

Recommended Candles: Jupiter (AstroMagic), Prosperity (Blessed Herbal), Venus (Astro Magic)

4.  Travel Magic:  Are you taking a trip and need to make sure everything goes your way? Sagittarius is associated with long-distance travel – the actual kind and the mental kind. So, you can use this season to plan trips and open your mind to other viewpoints and ideas. The energy of the season helps remove any obstacles that may be in your way. You can also use this type of magic for astral travel.

Recommended Candles:  Mercury (AstroMagic), Meditation (Affirmation), Answers (Chakra Magic)

5.  Prosperity Magic:  Jupiter (the ruler of Sagittarius) is the great benefic and is known for bestowing blessings in the astrology chart. So, like Venus, he is associated with prosperity and financial gain. You can use the energy of Sagittarius to open doors, increase your finances, or get abundance flowing in your life. To make this energy more potent, do prosperity magic on a Thursday. Thursday is the day associated with the King of the Gods.

Recommended Candles:  Jupiter (AstroMagic) 


Cosmic Overview for November 

The month of November features the Sun, Mercury, and Venus moving through tempestuous Scorpio. The energy during the first part of the month will be intense, and combative, and people will be easily triggered, especially around November 8th when a lunar eclipse in Taurus triggers Saturn square Uranus. 

The saving grace is that the planets in Scorpio will be in a sign-based trine to Jupiter in Pisces. Since Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces and highly dignified in the sign, we can learn from our experiences and figure out how they fit into the larger purpose of our lives. If anything, Jupiter in Pisces can help us be more compassionate and understanding with others and ourselves. 

Later in the month, we switch to Sagittarius season, which gives us a break from the intense energies of the last few months, and it arrives just in time for the holiday season. In fact, the aspects on Thanksgiving (in America) are the best I have seen in years. So, make sure you enjoy as much time with friends and family as possible. 

Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus – THE LAST STAND! 

Just when you thought we were finally through with Saturn square Uranus, after the two planets came within one degree of each other last month, the lunar eclipse in Taurus will retrigger the configuration. On the one hand, the lunar eclipse should bring some interesting headlines around the world, some of 

which will probably be unsettling. On the other hand, if you haven’t worked through your personal Saturn square Uranus issues, it’s time to do so before the chickens come home to roost! 

Saturn reflects the need to maintain the status quo, and Uranus reflects the urge towards progress and change. Since this is a square aspect, you can expect obstacles, frustrations, and tensions to occur. Working with these two energies requires honest self-searching. You need to look at the areas of your life where you feel stuck. Even if you are afraid of making changes in your life, it is better to make them on your own, rather than those changes be made for you. Although it may be scary, the changes you make will help you lead a more fulfilling life. 

Mars Retrograde in Gemini 

Just a reminder, Mars will remain retrograde in Gemini throughout November. Try to keep your boxing gloves on the shelf and avoid contentious conversations with others. You will need to be mindful during your interactions with others and proactive throughout the month. 

Recommended Candles for November:  Needed Change/Banishing (Blessed Herbal), Jupiter (Astro Magic) 

Noteworthy Dates: 

November 12, 2022: Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces – Mercury trine Neptune is great for creative projects and being inspired by life. This will be useful for marketing projects and artistic endeavors. 

November 15, 2022: Venus in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces – Although it’s not a day to do heavy lifting, it's an excellent day to enjoy your life. Do something you love and enjoy. Venus trine Jupiter is especially good for love relationships. 

November 20, 2022: The Sun trine Jupiter in Pisces – Before the Sun scoots into Sagittarius, he parties down with Jupiter in the cosmos. Sun trine Jupiter is a lucky aspect and one of the most positive aspects of the year. Use this energy to take advantage of the opportunities presented to you at this time. 

November 28, 2022: Mars in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius – An auspicious day to do the work necessary to level up. Mars trine Saturn is great for career ambitions and seeking the recognition you deserve. 

Storm Watch: 

November 7, 2022: Venus in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius – A downer of an aspect that may leave you feeling isolated and alone. Avoid falling into your insecurities. 

November 10, 2022: Mercury in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius – You may have trouble relating to others and go through periods of self-doubt and battling the voices in your head. Push away negative thoughts when they surface. 

November 29, 2022: Mercury in Sagittarius opposes Mars in Gemini – You may experience opposition from others, and you need to choose your words wisely. This aspect is extremely discordant, and arguments and disagreements are likely to happen.

Lunar Magic 

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus 

On November 8, 2022, we have our second eclipse of the season in the sign of Taurus. On a mundane level, this is no ordinary garden variety eclipse. In the United States, an election occurs on the same day, and the eclipse retriggers Saturn square Uranus, a major astrological configuration that coincided with the January 6th Insurrection in Washington. The themes of financial disparity, rage against the government, conspiracy theories and scapegoating, and the mobilization of the dark shadow within the American collective will be the same themes alive and well with this Lunar Eclipse. Keep your eyes on the news for eclipse current events. 

Personally, the Lunar Eclipse triggers Saturn square Uranus in all of us. Since the Lunar Eclipse is in Taurus, security, financial resources, and self-worth will be an issue. The eclipse is conjoined disruptive Uranus, so changes with Taurus’ realm should be expected. Furthermore, I do not recommend aggressive magic during this eclipse. Instead, I recommend protection, healing, and spiritual cleansing work. 

Recommended: Protection (Blessed Herbal)

Full Moon Magic 

This month, the Full Moon occurs in fiery Sagittarius on November 23rd. The notable feature of this Full Moon is that it happens five minutes before Jupiter (the ruler of Sagittarius) turns direct on Pisces. The Sagittarian Full Moon is perfect for setting your 2023 goals and resolutions and creating viable strategies to succeed. This may include letting go of self-defeating mindsets and developing more sustainable belief systems. The Full Moon in Sagittarius is also excellent for higher education and exploring things that intrigue you. It’s time to look outside the box and at all the potentials and possibilities life may have in store for you. 

Recommended:  Full Moon (Astro Magic), Clarity (Chakra Magic)


Weekly Breakdown 

October 31, 2022 – November 6, 2022 

The first week of November is the calm before the storm, which features only one astrological aspect that occurs on Saturday when Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus. 

We start the week with the Moon moving through social Aquarius. This is great energy for Halloween (Samhain) festivities at the beginning of the week. It’s an excellent time to connect with others and surround yourself with like-minded folks. The Moon forms several difficult aspects (Moon square Mercury, Moon square Sun, Moon square Venus, Moon square Uranus, and Moon conjunct Saturn), so expect that plans may not flow as smoothly as you may like. Try to avoid succumbing to negative mindsets. 

Midweek, the Moon moves into Pisces, and spiritual matters take center stage. This is an excellent time to withdraw from the noise of the world and focus on becoming grounded and centered. The Moon in Pisces is also perfect for enjoying a good movie, listening to music, and maybe getting in a meditation session or two or three. 

The weekend begins with the Moon moving into energetic Aries. You may notice an increase in your energy that could be useful if you need to get things done. However, Venus's opposition to Uranus could lead to problems in relationships on Saturday and Sunday. The more stubborn you are, the more difficult this aspect will be. Try to be as flexible as possible. 

Recommended:  Venus (Astro Magic), Answers (Chakra Magic)

November 7, 2022 – November 13, 2022 

The second week of November brings a level of intensity that we have not seen since Leo season. This is the most difficult week of the month, and a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus amplifies it (see above). Stay on GUARD! 

We start the week with an intense Venus square Saturn. You may feel you are getting little return on your investment in relationships, which may lead to bitter resentments. You need to review your relationships and be honest about the reasons you are in them. However, since this aspect (Venus square Saturn) is often negatively experienced, try to avoid finding problems that are not there. It may simply be momentary feelings that do not need amplification. On Tuesday, watch what you say to others because Mercury opposes Uranus, which tends to be blunt and lacks effective filters. Furthermore, being impatient may lead to anxiety and worrisome thoughts. 

Midweek, Mercury squares Saturn in Aquarius. Mercury square Saturn, like Venus square Saturn earlier in the week, can lead to negative mindsets. You may feel that people don’t understand you, and unfortunately, communication problems can easily occur. Try to be as practical as possible and stick to the facts, rather than making unfounded assumptions. 

The weekend begins with the Sun square Saturn. Feelings of self-doubt may throw you off your game. Because of your insecurities, it is best to approach Sun square Saturn with as much self-discipline as possible. Duties and responsibilities may supersede your personal agenda, and this can leave you feeling cranky. Finally, on Sunday, Venus sextiles Pluto. Emotional insights may be crucial and help you improve your relationships. Honest and open expressions of your feelings can be helpful. 

Recommended:  Protection (Blessed Herbal), The Sun (Astro Magic)

November 14, 2022 – November 20, 2022 

The third week of November is an extremely busy week, with daily planetary action. The good news is that these aspects are helpful, except for a small hiccup that occurs on Saturday. 

We start the week off with Mercury sextile Pluto. Mercury sextile Pluto is an incredible aspect that helps you get to the bottom of any problem you have in your life so that you can resolve them to your benefit. You may also be put in a position where you need to share your experience, strength, and hope with others. On Tuesday, Venus trines Jupiter in Pisces. It’s a great day for social events and connecting with others. If you need to make a large financial investment, it’s the day to do it.

The middle of the week continues the positive trend, with Mercury forming a lovely trine to Jupiter. You may spend time thinking about future plans and how to make the most of them. Mercury trine Jupiter allows you to see all the possibilities in each situation, which helps you make the best possible decision for yourself. Also, Mercury trine Jupiter is an auspicious time to sign documents or come to agreements, especially in business matters. 

The weekend starts with the Sun forming a sextile to Pluto. The Sun sextile Pluto is an excellent aspect for cleaning up situations in your life. If you need to resolve conflicts, this aspect is helpful. On Saturday, Mars squares Neptune. Mars square Neptune is a relatively low energy configuration that often comes with a side dish of self-doubt. You may need to confront your fears and push away invasive thoughts. The good news is that on Sunday, the Sun trines Jupiter, which is one of the most positive days of the year. So, whatever ails you during Mars square Neptune, will be washed away by a more positive mindset. 

Recommended: Mercury (Astro Magic), Inner Balance (Blessed Herbal)

November 21, 2022 – November 27, 2022 

The last week of November will be a relief because there is nothing overtly challenging. This is welcomed in the United States, where the annual Thanksgiving celebration occurs on Thursday. 

We start the week off with Mercury and Venus (Mercury conjunct Venus) joining forces in spirited Sagittarius. Monday is an excellent day to discuss your feelings with another person, especially if those feelings are romantic. Mercury conjunct Venus gives you the ability to speak your mind and the harmony to discuss things with eloquence and grace. Also, Mercury conjunct Venus is good for financial and business activities. On Tuesday, we leave the turbulent world of Scorpio behind and embrace the optimistic energy of fiery Sagittarius. While we are in Sagittarius season, it’s a promising time to look at your goals for 2023 and develop strategies to make them happen. 

During the middle of the week, we have a New Moon in Sagittarius (see above), and Jupiter turns direct in Pisces. There is a jovial spirit in the air, which is perfect for everyone celebrating the holiday. Since the Moon is in Sagittarius and forms beneficial aspects, things should flow smoothly. But I still recommend staying away from that crazy uncle at the dinner table. 

The end of the week brings us the Moon moving through Capricorn. The Moon in Capricorn is about handling our duties and obligations. It’s an excellent time to clear off your to-do list and tie up loose ends. However, late Sunday morning, tense feelings may surface. Try to manage your emotions, rather than ignore them. 

Recommended:  Jupiter (Astro Magic), New Moon (Astro Magic) 


Meet Storm at For Storm, Astrology is a lifelong study and passion. His combination of Astrology, psychology, mythology and Kabbalistic studies create an experience he calls Transformational Astrology. A session with Storm is about unlocking your potential through self-awareness, healing, and perfect timing. We give Storm 12 stars. Meet Patty Shaw at

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