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Astro Magic Forecast for September 2022

Sep2022 AstroMagic

September Astro Magic 2022 

Libra is the sign of relationships, and on the practical level, it is. And although pop astrology focuses on love relationships, the sign of the scales governs all relationships, even relationships with our enemies. 

But what is the undercurrent of the sign of the scales? 

In Greek myth, there's a story about a young shepherd boy named Paris. Zeus randomly chooses him to judge who was the most beautiful Olympian goddess. The contestants were Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, and each of the three goddesses bribes Paris based on their divine attributes. Hera offers Paris world dominance, Athena offers him strategy in war, and Aphrodite drops her magic girdle and offers Paris the most beautiful woman in the world. But, of course, since Paris is a young man ruled by his hormones, and without worldly sophistication, he chooses Aphrodite and is given Helen of Troy as his prize. 

The Judgment of Paris is not a love story, despite its surface-level storyline. Paris' prize, Helen of Troy, was already married, and their illicit affair caused the Trojan War. So, the story is about human choices, and on its deepest level, so is the sign of Libra. 

This month, our choices matter, so we need to make them carefully!


5 Magical Ways to Make the Most Out of Libra Season 

1. Air Magic: Libra is an air sign, and the element of air is associated with the rational intellect and our ability to communicate our thoughts and ideas. So, pay close attention to what you say, because, like it or not, your words are magical – they can heal or destroy. One of the easiest ways to perform air magic is journaling. The act of using a pen to channel words onto paper is a magical art that doesn't get enough fanfare, but it works, and it works well. Also, incantations, prayers, blessings, and saying a spell are all forms of air magic. Tools you may want to include are pens, pencils, paper, markers, feathers, incense, and grimoires.

Recommended: Mercury (Astro Magic), Truth and Justice (Blessed Herbal), Answers (Chakra Magic).


2. Attraction Magic: Venus is the planetary ruler of Libra, and one of the attributes she excels at is attraction. Whether it's men, money, or beautiful adornments, Venus doesn't seek out what she wants; it comes to her. So, likewise, we can use attraction magic to bring to us what we desire. Be careful of what you wish for.

Recommended: Venus (Astro Magic), Prosperity (Affirmation), Wicked Good Peppermint Oil


3. Love Magic: Love makes the world go round, and the sign of Libra has something to say about it. We can use Libra's powerful discernment to help bring us better relationships. Just make sure that you are VERY specific and be sure you request a human being. Otherwise, if you want to bring love into your life or improve an existing relationship, Libra season can help you out.

Recommended: Love’s Enchantment (Blessed Herbal), Venus (Astro Magic), Love (Chakra Magic)


4. Business Magic: If you own a business, you have business relationships and maybe some strategic partnerships. The sign of Libra governs all these relationships. You can use Libra season to attract new business relationships, improve existing ones, and eliminate ones you no longer need. Pro tip: Your customers are also a relationship.

Recommended: Lakshmi (World Magic), Prosperity (Affirmation), Needed Change/Banishing (Blessed Herbal) 


5. Legal Magic: Since Libra rules legal matters and justice, you can use the energy of the season to get the upper hand. So, whether you are resolving legal issues or starting legal proceedings, this is the time to do it. (Wait until Mercury turns direct to file legal documents).

Recommended: Truth and Justice (Blessed Herbal), Mercury (Astro Magic), Jupiter (Astro Magic)


Retrograde Watch! Yes, Mercury Turns Retrograde in Libra 

On September 9th, Mercury turns retrograde in Libra. So, relationships (ruled by Libra) will be under the gun, and this will continue until October 2, 2022. So, I created this Mercury Retrograde checklist to keep you in the know. 

Mercury Rx Dirty Dozen! Tips and Tricks to Wrangling the Trickster God 

1. Make sure you go over anything contractual thoroughly. Make sure all the i's are dotted and all the t's are crossed. Then, if you can get away with it, wait until after the retrograde to sign on the dotted line. 

2. Avoid starting anything new. New projects tend to have communication problems and mishaps when initiated during this process. 

3. Put a watch on your tongue. (If it is not worth saying, don't say it) 

4. Check your vehicles for any potential problems. Before Mercury goes retrograde, is the best time for a service call. 

5. Avoid buying real estate or renting apartments. Usually, this means you will move again during a future Mercury Rx. 

6. Using mail delivery services that offer tracking and insurance – especially now, since the Post Office has still not recovered from the pandemic. 

7. Check, recheck, and check again any travel plans you have or appointments on the books. 

8. If you do travel, don't take anything of importance or value. Only bring items that you do not care if they are lost or stolen. 

9. Expect people from the past to resurface. However, once they crawl out of whatever cavern they came from, proceed with caution. 

10. Back up all electronic devices. 

11. Avoid buying an automobile. 

12. Mercury Rx is a great time to scour places (online and offline) for great deals! 

Recommended: Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer Candle and Sprays. Make sure you stock up on these early because during Mercury Rx Season, they sell out FAST!


Cosmic Overview for September 

There is an old saying, “you have to love yourself first before you can love someone else.” Now, I couldn’t find the original author of this quote, and it's been uttered pretty much by everyone, from the self-help gurus of the 1980s, to Oprah, and even more curiously, J-Lo. However, that is a major theme for the month of September. 

In astrology, the signs of the zodiac move in sequentially cyclical order, starting with the sign of Aries and moving through the sign of Pisces. Each sign reflects a necessary process that builds upon the sign before it and adds to the sign that follows it. This process provides us with the lessons necessary to become well-rounded individualistic people. 

We begin the month of September in Virgo season, which has to do with life management. It’s how we take care of ourselves and manage our lives. It’s the nitty gritty bare bones of living. While the Sun is in Virgo, we focus on things like our health, our time management, exercise programs, organizing our lives, and taking care of duties and responsibilities that allow our lives to continue to run smoothly. In other words, we do what we can to ‘love’ ourselves. 

Later in the month, we move into the sign of Libra. Libra is the sign most associated with relationships and choices, and Libra always takes into account ‘other’ people’s choices and feelings. During Libra season, we manage our relationships and try to find some form of balance where everyone involved is on an equal and fair footing. If we do not stand up for ourselves and our individual needs in relationships, we become resentful, and ultimately this creates toxic scenarios that are difficult to heal. So, essentially during Libra season, we do the ‘love’ someone else bit of the quote. 


Mercury Opposes Jupiter 

Now, there is a reason that I focused on this quote because we have an interesting thing that happens this month. Mercury will turn retrograde in the sign of Libra, and it will oppose Jupiter throughout the entire retrograde cycle. 

Jupiter is the planet of expansion. He is the planet that governs the “Department of Growth” in the horoscope. Mercury retrograde is a period of reflection and looking at the areas of our lives that need change, and revisiting choices we have made in the past to modify them, so our lives run more efficiently (Side Note: Mercury does rule the sign of Virgo). Since Mercury goes retrograde in Libra, our choices and decisions in relationships will be what surfaces. 

This is good news for relationships. Mercury opposes Jupiter, which gives us the ability to learn (Jupiter) from our experiences (Mercury) and use our newfound knowledge to make changes in our lives. Mercury Rx often brings things that we were unaware of to the surface and can spark a ‘lightbulb’ moment that brings resolution to long-term problems, which is enhanced by the innate optimistic energy of the aspect. Take advantage of this energy while it's available, because it may ultimately be life-altering. 

Recommended: Needed Change/Banishing (Blessed Herbal), Mercury Rx Neutralizer (Astro Magic), Jupiter (Astro Magic)


Monthly Highlights 

September 11: The Sun trines Uranus – Perfect time to focus on new activities and push yourself beyond your comfort zone. 

September 20: Venus trines Uranus – Do something exciting to spice up your relationships. 

September 22: The Sun conjunct Mercury Rx – Great day to get your ideas together, so that you can communicate them with others after Mercury goes direct. 

September 28: Mars trine Saturn – Excellent aspect for focusing on projects that need focus and tenacity. 


Storm Watch 

September 9: Mercury Rx in Libra – May experience difficulties communicating with others. Travel plans may go awry, and it’s best to avoid signing documents or making life-altering changes. 

September 16: The Sun opposes Neptune – Low energy day. Expect brain fog and confusion when making decisions. 

September 16: Venus square Mars – Conflicts in relationships may easily surface. Stay on guard! 

September 24: Venus opposes Neptune – Disillusionment in relationships. You may feel deceived or manipulated. Stick to your boundaries. Avoid idealizing your partner and accept them as human.


Lunar Magic 

Full Moon in Pisces 

The Full Moon occurs on September 10th in the sign of Pisces. Get out your snorkel, it’s time to swim. Your intuitive faculties will be at their peak, so it’s time to do magic that will help you enhance your intuition and focus on your dreams, meditation, and connecting with spirit. You can also use this energy to increase your creativity. 

Recommended: Intuition (Affirmation Candle), Ancestral Power (Blessed Herbal), Full Moon (Astro Magic

New Moon in Libra

We reach the heart of Libra season on September 25th, with the New Moon in the sign of the scales. Ordinarily, this would be an excellent time to draw a new relationship to you, but Mercury is currently 'retched out,' and Venus (the ruler of Libra) is in her fall in Virgo. So instead, use this New Moon to create new paradigms within your current relationships, which are not just romantic ones. 

If you are currently single, you can list all the attributes you would like out of a mate, and do some cleansing magic to signify your fresh start. If you are in a relationship, you can use the New Moon to reset (such a lovely Mercury Rx word) the energies and create a more fulfilling dynamic that will help improve the relationship's overall health. In other relationships, you can modify how you work with the New Moon based on the needs of that relationship. The key is to formulate new and productive ways to make them healthier. 

Recommended: New Moon Magic (Astro Magic), Love's Enchantment (Blessed Herbal), Love (Chakra Magic)


Weekly Breakdown 

August 29, 2022 – September 4, 2022 

We start the week off with the Moon moving through fair-and-balanced Libra. Relationships (all of them) will be our focus, and this is the best time of the month to focus on relationship management and improvement. The Moon in Libra is also a good time to develop new relationships, especially ones that are business related. 

The middle of the week brings a spectacular aspect, as Mars in Gemini sextiles Jupiter in Aries. Mars sextile Jupiter is excellent for business activities and personal growth. Anything that you begin while Mars sextiles Jupiter is active, will likely be successful. Additionally, Mars sextile Jupiter brings an overall optimistic atmosphere, as well as positive attitudes, which is beneficial for negotiations. 

This weekend is prepared for some more cosmic goodness, as Mercury opposes expansive Jupiter. Ordinarily, oppositions can be tricky, but Mercury opposing Jupiter is generally positive. Again (seems to be a theme this week), business matters are emphasized, and if you need to sign contracts or documents, now would be the time to do so. Later this weekend, the Moon moves through joyful Sagittarius, and since we are at the close of the secular summer season, go out and have some fun. 

Recommended: Jupiter (Astro Magic), Happiness (Blessed Herbal), Lakshmi (World Magic)


September 5, 2022 – September 11, 2022 

We start the second week of September, with Venus moving out of Leo and into Virgo. The sign of Virgo is about managing our lives, and with Venus moving through the sign of the Virgin, it’s relationships (all of them) that need maintenance. Venus in Virgo knows what she wants out of a relationship, and knows how to get what she wants. Use this cycle wisely, because this is an auspicious time to improve relationships and make modifications if necessary. For some, that may mean letting relationships go if your needs are not being met. 

Towards the middle of the week, the Moon moves through social Aquarius. This is a favorable time to hang out with friends and connect with your social circle. However, watch out on Thursday, because the Moon tangles with Uranus and Saturn. Unexpected situations may leave you feeling rattled, and you may go through feelings of self-doubt. Push away negative thoughts if they surface. 

This weekend, Mercury reverses course and turns retrograde in Libra. Relationships are in the crosshairs, and it may be time to review them. Since Mercury and Venus are in mutual reception (each other’s signs), this is an excellent time to repair damaged relationships that need a little help, or for past loves to resurface. On Sunday, the Sun trines Uranus, and it’s a great time to explore things outside your comfort zone. Do things that add a little spice to your life.

Recommended: Venus (Astro Magic), Love’s Enchantment (Blessed Herbal), Mercury Rx Neutralizer (Astro Magic) 


September 12, 2022 – September 18, 2022 

The second full week of September is curious, because all the action takes place at the end of the week, including a tricky (and often deceptive) Sun-Neptune opposition. 

We begin the week with the Moon moving through energetic Aries. On Monday, the Moon sextiles Saturn in Aquarius. It’s an excellent day to use Arien energy to accomplish tasks that need to be completed. Since this aspect is a sextile, you will receive the help and support you need from others to achieve your goals. However, be on guard on Tuesday when the Moon squares Pluto. Moon square Pluto often brings up intense emotions that may be difficult to manage. 

During the middle of the week, the Moon moves through Taurus. The Moon in Taurus is the perfect time to focus on your finances. If you need to create a budget, make a plan to reduce your debt, or simply put a fiscal plan in motion, now would be the time to do so. 

This weekend is a struggle, as Venus squares Mars and the Sun opposes Neptune. Conflicts in relationships may surface that are difficult to resolve because of Neptune’s confusing energies. This is not the best time to make a decision or be confrontational, because you may not have all the facts straight. Avoid being coerced into doing anything that doesn’t feel right to you, because people may not have your best interests in mind. 

Recommended: Energy/Will (Blessed Herbal), Success (Chakra Magic), Mercury (Astro Magic) 


September 19, 2022 – September 25, 2022 

The third full week of September starts with a lovely trine between Venus and Uranus. You may crave excitement in your life, especially if your day-to-day life has been overly monotonous. It’s an excellent time to break from your usual daily activities and do something different and outside your comfort zone. 

On Thursday, the Sun moves out of Virgo, and Libra season officially begins. Libra season is about bringing balance into your life, especially in relationships (all of them). While the Sun is in Libra, take some time to ensure that your needs are met in your relationships and that you are not sacrificing your personal desires to please someone else. 

This weekend is pretty busy, starting with Mercury moving back into Virgo. Mercury in Virgo is about focusing on the details of your life. Since Mercury is retrograde, you may discover something that forces you to course correct. On Saturday, Venus opposes Neptune. Try to avoid projecting unrealistic expectations on your partner, because you will ultimately feel discouraged or disappointed. Also, if you question whether your partner is honest with you, investigate the situation thoroughly before jumping to conclusions. 

Recommended: Sun (Astro Magic), Inner Balance (Blessed Herbal), Mercury (Astro Magic)


September 26, 2022 – October 2, 2022

The last week of September is cosmically busy and gets off to a bang at the beginning of the week, with three major aspects on Monday (Venus trine Pluto, Mercury conjunct Venus, and the Sun opposes Jupiter) and another one on Tuesday (Mercury trine Pluto). 

The Plutonian influence at the beginning of the week allows us to dig deep beneath the surface and get to the root of how we truly feel about things. Since the planets affected are Venus and Mercury, we may receive profound insights into our relationships, and we may understand not only our partners but ourselves on a deeper level. The good news is that the other aspects (Mercury conjunct Venus and the Sun oppose Jupiter), are relatively benign, which helps facilitate Plutonian energy in a productive way. 

During the middle of the week, Mars forms a lovely trine to Saturn, which is an auspicious time to get projects done that require more energy and gumption. Saturn provides the discipline, and Mars provides the tenacity necessary to put a major dent in your to-do list. On Thursday, Venus moves out of Virgo and into her sign of Libra. Over the next three weeks, we get the opportunity to work on relationships and make them more harmonious. Venus in Libra is also excellent for relationship repair. 

This weekend, Venus opposes Jupiter in Aries. Venus opposite Jupiter (despite the opposition) is relatively positive, and it’s a great time to relax, enjoy yourself, and have a little fun. Just don’t go overboard, because Venus opposite Jupiter can be excessive. Also, Mercury turns directly into Virgo. Expect communication to slowly return to normal, and you can begin to take action on everything you’ve held back on over the last three weeks. 

Recommended: Needed Change/Banishing (Blessed Herbal), Clarity (Chakra Magic), Mercury (Astro Magic)


Meet Storm at For Storm, Astrology is a lifelong study and passion. His combination of Astrology, psychology, mythology, and Kabbalistic studies create an experience he calls Transformational Astrology. A session with Storm is about unlocking your potential through self-awareness, healing, and perfect timing. We give Storm 12 stars.

Meet Patty Shaw at

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