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Astro Magic Forecast for August 2022

Aug2022 AstroMagic

It’s August! Guess what that means? Virgo season is on the way! 

In Kabbalah, Virgo is the month of Elul, and it is the cosmic month of repentance (Teshuvah). Teshuvah is when we take time to acknowledge our negative actions throughout the year, understand the root cause of those negative actions, make amends when necessary, and try not to make the same mistakes in the future.


But why should we go through this arduous process? 

Virgo is an earth sign concerned with the physical world, natural laws, and how the real-world works. Therefore, Virgo is naturally associated with jobs, tasks, responsibilities, and rituals. In the ancient world, Virgo was associated with servants. Although we are not servants in a technical sense, we should take care of ourselves, manage our lives, and be productive members of society. So, while we are in Virgo season, it is necessary for us to look at the areas of our lives that need management, what needs to be repaired, and what needs to be nurtured. Making our lives more efficient helps us access the positive dimensions of the sign, and in doing so, we make amends to the person who needs it the most – ourselves!


5 Magical Ways to Make the Most of Virgo Season 

  1. Practical Magic: One of our biggest problems is our ability to complicate things. In our quest for the biggest, baddest, super-duper, mother-of-all spells, we can put so many ingredients in the pot that we ruin the stew. During Virgo season, it’s better to work magic in its simplest form. So, back to basics. With that said, I am going to recommend only one item for this type of magic – Witches Brew Original Candle (or oil).

  2. Herbal Magic: So, picture this: you prepare a nice dinner, and you open your spice cabinet and pull out all kinds of spices to make your meal delicious. But did you know all those spices have magical properties? Well, surprise, they do! Cinnamon heats things up; Rosemary can be used for protection, love magic, and staying young; and even ground coffee can be used to dispel negative thoughts. The next time you build a spell, put those herbs to work. Bon Appetit!

    Recommended: The Blessed Herbal Candle Line

  3. Purification Magic: The sign of Virgo is associated with cleanliness. Although I've met many Virgoans who hate cleaning, the need for an orderly universe is important to them. This is a great month to purify and sterilize all your magical tools and dispel negative energies from your personal space. So, get out those magic wash packets, your uncrossing candles, and magical sprays, and just get it done!

    Recommended: Witch Hazel, Uncrossing Candle (Motor City Hoodoo), Tornado Alley (Dorothy Morrison’s Wicked Witch Mojo), and Wicked Good Karma Kleaner spray

  4. Healing Magic: Have something that ‘Ails Ya’? Well, since Virgo is associated with health (that means diet and exercise), this is a wonderful time of the year to do healing magic both internally and psychologically.

    Recommended: Sun (Astro Magic), Outta My Way (Dorothy Morrison’s Wicked Witch Mojo), Healing (Blessed Herbal)

  5. Work and Career Magic: Need a job, promotion, or just want to put your boss in his place? Need some magical help to ensure your projects are successful? Well, this is the month to set those intentions. Spend some time journaling the results you would like to achieve, and then get to work – magically speaking.

    Recommended: Mars (Astro Magic), Attraction (Blessed Herbal), and Prosperity (Blessed Herbal).


Cosmic Overview 

I’m going to admit, I am sick of writing about Saturn square Uranus, but this potent aspect layers the backdrop of the astrological energy throughout the month of August. Although Saturn square Uranus never meet again during this cycle, they come within one degree of each other in October. So, each time planets move through the fixed signs (in this case – The Sun, Venus, and Mars), they will reactivate and trigger the configuration, and its impacts will be felt in our daily lives. 

Saturn square Uranus reflects the need for progress (Uranus) at odds with the current structure (Saturn). We’ve seen it manifest through protests, objections to laws and mandates, a fickle stock market, and inflation soaring. Uranus instructs us to find another way, and Saturn likes to dig its heels into the comfortable and reliable. 

Of course, if Saturn square Uranus will affect events on the world stage, it’s also going to affect our personal lives. Since the Sun (our sense of identity and destiny), Venus (relationships and money), and Mars (our ability to get what we want out of life) are influenced, August is a month that may be unsettling and frustrating for many. The key to working with this energy is to step outside your comfort zone and make changes yourself. This will allow you to reclaim your power and be the agent of change, rather than its victim. 

As we continue to move through August, there are a few dates to make note of: 

August 7: Venus trine Uranus – Excellent time to form new relationships and friendships with people that are unique and individual, and stretch your understanding of the world. 

August 16: Mercury trine Uranus – You will be inspired by new ideas and interests. New information may help resolve old problems. 

August 21: Mercury Shadow – Yes, Mercury goes retrograde next month in Libra. On August 21st, we enter the shadow period, where Mercury begins to slow down and communication issues are on the rise.


Lunar Magic 

Full Moon Magic 

This month, the Full Moon occurs in the sign of Aquarius on August 11th. This Full Moon cycle is excellent for breaking through stagnant situations (especially karmic ones), developing better friendships, expanding your social circle, and opening yourself up to new experiences. 

Recommended: Full Moon (Astro Magic), Spiritual Cleansing (Blessed Herbal), Everything and then Some (Dorothy Morrison’s Wicked Witch Mojo) 

New Moon Magic 

The New Moon this month occurs in the sign of Virgo on August 27th. The Virgo New Moon is about putting your life in order. It’s an excellent month to develop systems, focus on health and personal well being, hire staff, and even find a new job. So, use this energy to create order out of chaos and build a strong and more durable you. 

Recommended: Healing (Blessed Herbal), Mercury (Astro Magic), New Moon (Astro Magic)


Weekly Breakdown 

August 1, 2022 – August 7, 2022 

The week starts with a bang, as Mars conjoins Uranus in Taurus. Mars conjunct Uranus is an extremely volatile aspect that often leads to highly reactive behavior, unexpected surprises, and sudden upsets. Since this aspect is extremely impulsive, you will need to make sure you are as proactive as possible. However, you may also need to exert your individuality and break from constraints and limitations if necessary. 

The good news is that tensions should simmer on Tuesday as Venus sextiles Uranus and Mars. You may need to break free of the boring monotony of day-to-day living and spend some time with people you enjoy. You may even notice that some of your inner circle are fascinating and intriguing, and you will want to spend time with them. Love relationships are also favored, as seductive Venus cuddles up with sexy Mars.

Towards the middle of the week, Mercury moves out of Leo and into Virgo. Mercury in Virgo understands life through our daily experiences, and you will notice that what you do right now matters. This is an excellent time to try to manage your life more efficiently and pay attention to the dirty details. You will notice that the more stable your life is right now, the better your outlook will be. 

Be on the alert, because this weekend will be turbulent. On Friday and Saturday, the Moon will move through Scorpio, and old-feelings and past grievances may surface. Try to manage your emotions as productively as possible. On Sunday, Mars forms a tense square to Saturn. Mars square Saturn is a frustrating aspect and often activates your insecurities and self-doubt. Try to avoid falling into a victim mindset. Instead, simply be who you are and realize that this too shall pass. 

Recommended: Mercury (Astro Magic), Emotional Balance (Blessed Herbal), Calming (Blessing Kit)


August 8, 2022 – August 14, 2022 

The major focus at the beginning of the week occurs on Tuesday when Venus in Cancer opposes Pluto. Venus oppose Pluto brings intense emotional experiences to the surface, which often lead to obsessive and compulsive tendencies. Repressed conflicts may surface in relationships, and it's best to avoid emotional manipulation and power plays. The key to working with Venus opposing Pluto is to be aware of your relationship dynamics and do what you can to add balance and harmony. Otherwise, the worst tendencies associated with this aspect could ultimately and irrevocably poison the relationship. 

The bulk of the energy this week occurs midweek, with the Full Moon in Aquarius, Sun square Uranus, Mars sextile Neptune, and Venus moving out of emotional Cancer and into fiery Leo. Anytime you work with a difficult Sun square Uranus aspect, there is one thing to remember – it’s better to be the cause in your life than the effect. Since Uranus likes to create change, it’s best that we make those changes on our own, rather than leave them to life to make them for us. On the romantic stage, expect high romantic drama as Venus moves into Leo. Venus in Leo loves to feel a deep soul connection with others, and is idealistic. Venus will love with the idea of love, rather than reality. Try to keep your relationship expectations as realistic as possible, not the stuff soap operas are made of. 

This weekend, your emotions will be on overdrive as the Moon moves through watery Pisces. You may feel things more deeply than you ordinarily would, and you may also be sensitive to the emotional needs of others. Keep up your guard on Sunday, as the Sun opposes Saturn. You may feel misunderstood by those around you, and that could lead to isolation and feelings of loneliness. Push away negative thoughts if they surface, and try not to vent your frustrations onto your relationships. 

I’m going to keep it real. This is a difficult week. Govern yourself accordingly. 

Recommended: Uncrossing (Motor City Hoodoo), Venus (Astro Magic), Poof (Wicked Witch Mojo)


August 15, 2022 – August 21, 2022 

We begin the third week of August with a spectacular aspect, as Mercury trines Uranus in Taurus. Mercury trine Uranus is exciting and enriches the mind with new thoughts and inspiration. You may feel inspired by your conversations with others, and this propels you on a new and exciting mental journey. Mercury trine Uranus is also useful for finding solutions to problems that have baffled you. This will provide you with new mindsets to overcome obstacles. 

In the middle of the week, we have one of the most positive aspects of the year, as Venus in Leo trines Jupiter in Aries. If you need to up your social vibe, this is an excellent time to do it, because you will be in good spirits and enjoy the company of others. Also, Venus trine Jupiter is excellent for financial matters and investments. In fact, the only problem with this aspect is that it flies by with quickness, so take advantage of the energy while it’s available. 

Finally, this weekend, Mars moves out of stable Taurus and into airy Gemini. Your mind will be on overdrive, and you will be attracted to anything that stimulates your intellect. The good news is that Mars in Gemini is a puzzle solver and can often solve problems quickly and efficiently. However, beware of the energy on Sunday, as Mercury opposes Neptune. Mercury oppose Neptune is a baffling aspect that leads to confusion and often miscommunication. It’s not the best time to make major decisions or engage in business deals, because information received at this time may be faulty. Also, avoid shady people, and if something looks too good to be true, it probably is. 

Recommended: Everything and then Some (Wicked Witch Mojo), Mars (Astro Magic), Guardian Protector (Affirmation) 


August 22, 2022 – August 28, 2022 

The last week of August begins with the Sun moving out of Leo and into Virgo. Simply put, Virgo season is about putting your life management skills to work and focusing on getting your life in order. Part of that life management may involve health-related issues, so it’s the perfect time to get that yearly physical. If you need to start a consistent exercise program, now is the time. 

During the middle of the week, Mercury moves into Libra, the sign he will retrograde in on September 9th. Whereas Virgo season is about putting your life in order, Mercury in Libra encourages you to weigh all your options and listen to the opinions of others. Since Libra is the sign most associated with legal issues, it’s time to clear up any issues before Mercury turns retrograde. 

Be on guard this weekend, because we have a New Moon in Virgo and a trio of difficult aspects (Venus square Uranus, Sun square Mars, and Venus oppose Saturn). You may need to keep yourself in check and your prideful ego under control or relationship issues are likely to occur. You may feel misunderstood and unrecognized, which could easily lead to confrontations and conflicts. Try to be proactive, not reactive. 

Recommended: Sun (Astro Magic), Truth and Justice (Blessed Herbal), Spiritual Cleansing (Motor City Hoodoo) 

Meet Storm at For Storm, Astrology is a lifelong study and passion. His combination of Astrology, psychology, mythology, and Kabbalistic studies create an experience he calls Transformational Astrology. A session with Storm is about unlocking your potential through self-awareness, healing, and perfect timing. We give Storm 12 stars. Meet Patty Shaw at

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