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Are Celestial Energies Aligning in your Favor?

Astro Magic 2021

November Astro Magic November 2021

I’m going to be blunt – it’s going to be a tough month. Perhaps, one of the toughest months of the year. Astrologically, we are building up to the final battle between Saturn (restrictions, limitations, isolation) and Uranus (freedom, rebellion) that occurs on December 24th.

Many themes and struggles of the past two years will resurface and be triggered as planets move through the sign of Scorpio. We also begin the eclipse season on November 19th with a lunar eclipse in money-oriented Taurus. So, buckle your seat belt!

Now, let’s dive into Scorpio season…

Medusa is the perfect representation of the reptilian sign of Scorpio, it's powers of transformation, and its natural association with death and disintegration. Medusa’s origin story is darkened by her violation by the God Poseidon, and the result is a woman transformed by her outrage and bitterness. Medusa’s face is the embodiment of the horrors of life’s unfairness.

On a personal level, the Medusa lives in all of us. We all experience life’s unfairness, whether directly, indirectly, or incidentally, and some life experiences leave us paralyzed. Psychologically, these experiences turn people into stone, and they become fixated on their wounds, unable to break free, preventing their growth and personal development.

The good news is that myth always provides a solution, even to the most complex stories. Medusa represents our repressed toxic pain or self-defeating behaviors that leave us stuck and unable to grow. These feelings and behaviors have grown over time and take over our lives. Perseus, Medusa’s slayer, represents the process of working through our issues. He does so by staring into a mirror instead of directly at the toxic pain. Perseus represents turning inward and seeing oneself honestly. With this honest and clear vision one can turn toxic poisons into something productive and worthwhile. Just as the horrors of Medusa transform into Pegasus, Scorpio becomes the light of consciousness, and ultimately, freedom from toxins.

This is the power of Scorpio season. We can use its energy to transform the areas of our lives that are wounded into powerful tools that we can use to give life more meaning.

Recommended Candles:The Sun -Curse Breaker (NEW! Astro Magic), Healing (Blessed Herbal), Heart (Blessed Herbal).

5 Magical Ways to Make the Most Out of Scorpio Season:

1. Remove Self-Defeating Behaviors:Yes, whether we want to admit it, we all have them. These are the behaviors we repeatedly engage in that really have no value and limit our relationships. For example, some people have anger issues. Whenever they feel cornered, trapped, or frustrated they become angry. That anger never resolves their issues, but it often scares other people, limiting, or even severing their interactions. Scorpio season is a great month to address these issues and banish them from your life.

Recommended Candles:Saturn -Get the F Out (NEW! Astro Magic), Needed Changes/Banishing (Blessed Herbal), Poof (Wicked Witch Mojo), and Success (Chakra Magic)

2. Resolving Familial Curses: Do you have experiences in your life that have been repeated generation after generation. This could be poverty mindsets, toxic relationship problems, or even health issues. Scorpio season is a great month to break the family curse and create new dynamics in your life.

Recommended Candles:The Sun -Curse Breaker (NEW! Astro Magic), Healing (Blessed Herbal), Tornado Alley (Wicked Witch Mojo), Ancestral (Blessed Herbal)

3. Eliminating Negative Patterns: This is a close cousin to family curses. Do you often find yourself repeating the same mistakes over and over? Do you consistently take a job with a controlling boss, or do you get involved with the same person, they just have a different face? Scorpio season is great for removing negative patterns and eliminating them from your life once and for all.

Recommended Candles:The Moon Do You!(NEW! Astro Magic),Guardian Protector (Affirmation), Jinx Removing (Blessing Kit), Ninja Power (Wicked Good Sprays)

4.Past Life Karma Issues: Again, this issue is a close cousin to familial curses. Many of us have accrued karma over many lifetimes, and it seems like the Cosmic Gods have decided this lifetime is the one where we pay the piper. If you have had a past life regression and are suffering from trauma related to it or simply need to clean out that energy, then Scorpio season is the time to work on these issues, release energies, and purify your soul.

Recommended Candles:Saturn -Get the F Out (NEW! Astro Magic), Transitions (Blessing Kit), Outta My Way (Wicked Witch Mojo), Uncrossing (Motor City Hoodoo)

5. Healing: Do you have health problems or psychological issues that need healing? There is no better month than this one to do it. The power of the Scorpio season gives us the ability to transform energies, even those that ail us.

Recommended Candles:The Sun -Curse Breaker (NEW! Astro Magic), Healing (Blessed Herbal), Guardian Protector (Affirmation), Healing (Heart Chakra Magic).

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