Coventry Creations Blogs

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Boss Fix Spell - A Witches Union Spell Caster’s Club Card

scc bfEver wished you could get your boss to do exactly what you wanted?  The Boss Fix Spell is designed to make work concerns disappear.  If you have an employer that never takes notice and leaves you feeling invisible, a manager that keeps you under a microscope, or is an outright tyrant, it’s time to put a little magic in the mix.


Sometimes it’s not you that is broken but the boss that needs fixing.


Trouble with an employer adds stress, pressure, and negativity that can bleed over into other areas of your life.  Worries about getting a raise mean late nights awake.  Dreading work on Monday morning can result in sharp words at the breakfast table.  Looming reports or quarterly reviews can be daunting when you believe your boss is out to get you.  It’s time to take control of the situation.


The Witches Union Boss Fix Spell uses everyday objects and Coventry Creations candles and oils to allow you to wield control over your boss.  Crafted by our resident enchantress, Jacki Smith, this spell is sure to act quickly.


Use coupon code HDC1516 for 15% off all

Motor City Hoo Doo Candles and Oils in May


Get in touch with your “roots” with our Motor City Hoo DooCandles and Oils.   This is the perfect time to expand your spheres of influence with this powerful line of Coventry Creations’Candles and Oils.


Join the Witches Union and Share Your Magic

Create your own spell box pairings and add a little magic of your own!  Post pictures on our Facebook page of your combination of Coventry Creations products that you use to increase prosperity, get the ball rolling on projects, and draw abundance to your life.  We’ll share the magic right back with a 10% off coupon.  We’ll select the best of the best and award that lucky witch with a $100 Coventry Creations gift basket.  

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The Hoodoo You Do
Conjuring with Candle Magic


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Wednesday, 12 March 2025

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