A New Moon in Scorpio means looking into the darker recesses of your past and either doing something about it or slamming the door shut again. If you choose to look and make changes, you will be doubly blessed by Uranus, the planet of dynamic change and freedom from the past.
Candle Ritual for Dynamic Change
You will need a definitive decision on what you are going to let go of. Write it down and think about all the ramifications and possibilities of this change. Be very honest with yourself, are you ready for this? Do you have your support system in place? Is your plan B formulated and ready for execution in case plan A falls apart on you?
Once your preparation for this candle ritual is done, get your tools out. You will need a Crown of Glory Hoo Doo candle and candle holder and a Needed Changes Blessed Herbal candle and holder. A written copy of your decision for change and the outline of your plan. See above questions. A mini vision board of what success looks like after you’ve made your change. For example, if you have decided to quit smoking, your vision board will have pictures of healthy, happy people, cigarettes in a trash can, and other images of people successfully quitting smoking. You may want to add pictures of activities you can do now that you are a healthy non-smoker.
After you have removed all the packaging and placed the Needed Changes candle in its candle holder, place your written decision under or near it. Light the candle and speak aloud about what change you are making and your plan for success. Make sure you admit that this could be hard at times, but that’s ok, you are determined to succeed and you will not give up until you are. Pray for support from your spirit guides and your own higher self. It’s important to invite them in on this project. Promise yourself that you are dedicated and devoted to this quest. Let the candle burn for a few hours a day and re-state your decision and promise each time.
When you hit a snag and temptation or weakness comes knocking, light the candles again, state your intention, and call upon your support team. Good luck and we wish you success!
Lighten up your life with help from products from Coventry Creations www.coventrycreations.com and advice from Storm Cestavani, Astrological Life Coach, www.stormcestavani.com. Discover your potential in your Akashic records with Patty Shaw, https://www.facebook.com/healingwithpattyshaw