By Patty Shaw on Friday, 04 October 2019
Category: Moon Magic

Full moon in Aries on October 13, 2019

The Full Moon occurs on October 13th in self-assured Aries. There is no better moon than an Aries full moon to really get in touch with how important you are and in need of some props. It’s a real high for anyone who leans toward being undervalued.

But here’s the rub, instead of only going for what we want and doing what we need to do to win at the game of life, the sun in Scorpio says we must back up the truck and let go of being so willful. Basically, be more generous, helpful and open minded. To help you use your confidence and courage in a more loving way, keep a Needed Change Blessed Herbal candle lit. It will make these conflicting energies work together better. We also recommend you light an Inner Beauty Affirmation candle too. You are a beautiful person and we want you to acknowledge yourself albeit in a more private and subdued way. It still counts.

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