By Jacki Smith on Tuesday, 29 December 2015
Category: Astro Magic

Ending on a high note

This is it, the final days of 2015.  I have a to-do list that isn’t finished, I have that extra 20(ish) pounds I didn’t loose, there are unfinished projects all around my office and house......   and I don’t care.  


This year was amazing!  There is so much I did and so much I didn’t do, but ya know what?  That didn’t do was awesome too.  I let myself be human this year, I started breaking the habit of busy-ness and decided to mindfully spend my time and energy.

I took time to heal this year and I allowed myself to be vulnerable and cry and be ugly about it when I needed to be, and within that I found myself.   My friends, healing isn’t about finding perfection.  It is about finding your flaws and making friends with them until they are no longer flaws.   

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