Aunt Jacki's Ultimates

Aunt Jacki's Ultimates

Handpicked by world renowned intention candle maker Jacki Smith, the Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate line represents some of the most powerful, most effective, and most popular recipes from the Coventry Creations catalog – including many that were brought over from our recently discontinued Motor City HooDoo brand.

Aunt Jacki's Ultimate Crown of Success Spray

When you need a reminder, put your crown on and open up to the opportunities and success waiting for..


Aunt Jacki's Ultimate Fiery Wall of Protection Spray

The ultimate protection magic, calling in your warriors to deflect anything thrown your way.  ..


Aunt Jacki's Ultimate Healing Rx Spray

The ultimate spiritual, mental, & emotional healing boost to support the physical process. &nbs..


Aunt Jacki's Ultimate Love Me Spray

The ultimate love magic to send and receive the emotions you are desiring.   Spray: 4 oz spra..


Aunt Jacki's Ultimate Quick Cash Spray

When you need cash in hand, right away, no questions asked, this is the ultimate money magic for you..


Aunt Jacki's Ultimate Reversing Spray

The ultimate magic to Reverse the curse sent to you and cut the drama off at the knees.   ..


Aunt Jacki's Ultimate Road Opener Spray

When you are feeling blocked or want a clear path for a new idea, this is the ultimate magic for you..


Aunt Jacki's Ultimate Uncrossing Spray

The ultimate in clearing your own crossed energy and setting your mind to success.   Spray: 4..


Aunt Jacki's Ultimate Van Van (Bad-Vibe-Away) Spray

The ultimate magic to uncover the truth and turn bad luck to good.    Spray: 4 oz spray ..


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