Witch's Brew Oils
Get your "Witch" on with the Witch's Brew oils and honor your inner witch! Thank goodness times are changing and our sisters can declare their witchiness without deadly persecution. Even though they are packaged with a whimsical air the Witch's Brew products are seriously powerful. The recipes come from our personal spell casting experiences and are blended with sumptuous scents to create products that are chock full of witchy goodness. The gorgeous scent of the Witch's Brew oils have to be experienced at least once in your life. Made with exotic magical oils such as dragon’s blood, mugwort, frankincense and myrrh, these oil blends help focus and intensify your magic. Each one is labeled with inspiring words in an empowering spell. Dont worry, we leave lots of room for your own crafting touch.
Witch's Brew Dragon's Blood Oil
Dragon's Blood Resin is crisp like a gentleman's aftershave. Power up your magic with the dragons an..
Witch's Brew Evil Eye Oil
A sharp stick in your eye Juniper! Don't leave your spirit vulnerable, use this oil to put that suck..
Witch's Brew Witch's Purse Oil
Jasmine, Date, and Ambermusk is everything good under the sun. A Witch's Purse is never empty becaus..
Witch's Brew Original Oil
Moody Myrrh and Mugwort.Our Moody Myrrh and Mugwort, it's our most popular oil for a reason. Never u..