May is Motor City Hoo Doo Month


release from debt470Our theme this month has been on careers, wealth and abundance so the Witches Union Local has put together a series of mojo bags which combine the powers of some of our favorite Motor City Hoo Doo Candles and Oils with an assortment of rootwork elements.  


Get in touch with your “roots” with our Motor City Hoo DooCandles and Oils.   This is the perfect time to expand your spheres of influence with this powerful line of Coventry Creations’Candles and Oils.


Use coupon code HDC1516 for 15% off all Motor City Hoo Doo Candles and Oils in May.


Motor City Hoo Doo Helping Hand Candle


Solve a problem, get through an issue, or overcome adversity using a little helping hand with this rich, dark blue candle with an earthy bergamot and frankincense blend.  Our Motor City Hoo Doo Helping Hand Candle provides a powerful push from the universe.   This candle taps into strong forces that will move mountains and offers a way out of unhealthy habits and seemingly insurmountable challenges.  By clearing the way forward, it lifts upward, pulling towards freedom.


Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van Oil


Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van Oil is based on a traditional hoodoo all purpose recipe.   Truly an amazing catch all that protects against evil and magical attack, brings good luck and truth, opens paths to new opportunities, and reverses the effect of Mercury retrograde.  Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van Oil is perfect for the frugal among us who need one oil with a multitude of uses.  Our balanced lemongrass blend was patterned on the traditional Chinese Five Grasses Oil and delivers a bright, crisp scent.


Released from Debt - The Witches Union Mojo Bag


This mojo bag was crafted by our Witches Union Local to stop the water’s rise and clear the way to a more prosperous future.  Motor City Hoo Doo Helping Hand Candle frees the ties that bind us to debt.  Meanwhile, that multi tool, Motor City Hoo Doo Van Van Oil brings a change in fortune and encourages growth while protecting from negative outside influences.  Combined with an assortment of common objects this conjure bag acts faster than the repo man.




Motor City Hoo Doo Helping Hand Candle


Orange cloth, black thread, and a needle


An orange bag large enough to hold the following items:

(3) Black eyed peas

(3) Coins (preferably a nickel, dime, and a quarter)

Rum or red wine

A photo of the person in need of help


Motor City Hoo DooVan Van Oil


We always leave room in the magic for your personal touch.  Keep in mind that hoodoo is kitchen witchery; if a piece of the puzzle doesn’t feel right, substitute it.  What is important is that you use thirteen items in the creation of the bag to move this spell quickly and efficiently.  


Make the Magic


Assemble your ingredients, set up a personal sacred space, and ask your ancestors for their intercession on your behalf.  Take the photograph and write the name and birthdate of the recipient and place it beneath your candle holder.   Inscribe “St. Michael” on your candle with the needle to petition for help with forces you cannot control.


Dress the Motor City Hoo Doo Helping Hand Candle with a small amount of the Van Van Oil and light the candle. Place the items on the cloth and double it over to cover them.  Sew up the edges with the thread.  It doesn’t have to be pretty but it does need to hold the contents together.  


Wake up your mojo bag by blowing tobacco smoke on it or sprinkling a small amount on the Helping Hand Candle.  Conjure and cajole to draw in the power of spirit to fill it with life and will.  


Givevoice to your desires.  Sound has power and naming a thing is a way of manifesting it.  Create your own mantra or use the spells provided on the labels of our products.  Connect yourself to the conjure by spraying the rum or red wine on the bag.  


Seal your bag by sewing up the top.  Burn the candle each day until it is finished and anoint both the bag and yourself with the Motor City Hoo DooVan Van Oil.  Place your Witches Union Local Mojo Bag in your wallet, checkbook or purse.   

This mojo bag is designed to be an enduring spell for long term.  It feeds off the energy of the Motor City Hoo Doo Helping Hand Candle to pull you up from the edge of the cliff while the Van Van Oil sustains a steady stream of happy coincidences and opening doors.  Reinforce the added influence of St. Michael and thank him by creating an altar in his honor.  Learn more about creating a space to honor ancestors and affinity spirits in upcoming blogs.