SpellBox EvilEye Lifestyle 470sqHow clever, a spell in a box. Evil Eyes are nothing to laugh at. They can project enough negative energy to erode your blissful life right out from under you. You know you’ve been the receiver of someone’s evil eye when you keep getting sick, having a lot of back luck, or your relationships hit hard times.

When you can’t seem to escape some jealousy, resentfulness, revenge or gossip, act quick and get this Evil Eye Spell box up and running.  It has all you need to stop the negative attention being sent your way and quickly and completely erect a fortress of protection around you.

Don’t be a wimp.  Empower yourself by taking care of you. Nothing was gained by allowing aggressive behavior continue at your expense.  Show ‘em you are no one to mess with.  Turn their evil eye back on them. This spell will show you how.

The Witches Union creates new spell boxes every month.  Visit your favorite spiritual gift store or go to our website for a complete list.  www.coventrycreations.com. We make magic easy for you!